Resto Druid LF Raiding guild!

I am looking to join a raiding guild for the WOTLK content. I am a resto druid and I will also have an alt (Destro/AFF Lock). I am lookin for a pretty laid back guild that likes to have fun and mess around on discord. Back in WOTLK I was one of my Guild’s main raid healer and ran through ICC all the way to Lich King before I stopped playing. Looking to join a Guild that doesn’t raid during the day on the weekdays and doesn’t raid until 3 a.m. on weekdays either. Willing to stay up and raid until about 12 on a weeknight as I work at 5 a.m. on weekdays. Please contact me on discord SHanKY_-#5088 or do it the old school way and send me mail in game! Kirama is my main. Look forward to hearing from the many potential guilds!