Heyo, Looking to find a raiding guild. Raid nights that work for me currently are Sat/Sunday. I am also highly interested in M+ key pushing as well. Current Exp this raid tier is 10/10 H. Current ilvl 212. I don’t mind transfering or faction swapping tbh.
If you want to reach me my Btag is krzybzerker#1665
Thanks for your time.
Big Facts (Alliance - U.S. Proudmoore) is looking for progression minded players who want to receive AoTC and push into Mythic Raiding. The task and purpose of Big Facts is to foster a community of raiders who want to clear content on a light 2 raid night a week schedule while maintaining standards for skill and class knowledge.
Current Role Needs
- Must be at least 18 years of age*
- Have prior AoTC or Legacy Heroic raiding experience.
- Have an understanding of your class and spec.
- Have a PC and internet capable of consistently running World of Warcraft
- Have the time and dedication to make raid nights consistently.
- Have a 190+ ilvl
** = Those who are above the age of 16 but below the age of 18 can request to join and obtain a wavier from an Officer.*
Preferred (In addition to above)
- Have prior Mythic raiding experience
- Have parses for the current or previous raid tiers with your current class
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday and Friday 5:30 - 9:00 (w/ possible 30 min extension) PST (U.S. Los Angeles/Proudmoore Server Time)*
** Note that the guild may run optional Heroic splits or Alt runs in addition to this depending on raider availability and content requirements.*
Application Process:
- Quick interview with guild officer
- Trial period based on performance (maximum of 2 weeks), trial waivers available for those who can produce relevant logs and demonstrate class knowledge in the interview.
Contact for Application or Questions
Lockrael Recruitment Officer: Lock #12410
BigBoy Guild Master: OffSeeker#1965
Discord: dKVBCH7u (this is the last part after the /)

…Hello, I have two questions for you. First, are you looking for guild still? Second, if you are or not interested in this guild would you like to join a M+/PvP discord community that pushes high keys and rating in PVP?
Since M+/PvP is one of the best gearing systems right now organized M+/pvp is a must.
ill give two post one for guild with a video the other for the community
Go to this forum post take the spaces out of discord link given in post then join server go to lfg roles and follow the simple instructions. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/dojo-mythic-plus-and-pvp-community/852587
SINFEST - Illidan (Horde)
Current Progression:
1/10 M
9/10 H
Guild Info:
We are a semi-hardcore guild with the goal of clearing all end-game content.
We started raiding 3 months after Ny’Alotha was released and we are currently 9/10 H progression .Looking to solidify our roster heading into mythic content.
We are looking for players that are dedicated to always improving their class/role for future raid tiers. We are currently looking for all roles and specs.
Please Note: All Raiders are expected to come prepared to Raid!! This means you need to have potions, food, & flasks.
Raid Times:
Saturday 7:00 - 10:00 Server (Central)
Sunday 7:00 - 10:00 Server (Central)
Raid Philosophy:
We plan to bring our best raiders for progression bosses since that is the main focus of the guild, but we will do our best to bring all guild members for farm content as long as your damage/healing is up to par in terms of Mythic difficulty. I have been trying to reach out and work with individuals on how to improve dps since that’s kind of my specialty. We plan to get the kills in Mythic to everyone in the guild that has an interest in raiding but you have to be patient. Our goal is to get ‘Cutting Edge’ for all our raid members.
Please reach out if you have additional questions or concerns. I do want to remind everyone if we ask you to sit for a boss please don’t take it personally.
Let’s have fun and kill some bosses!
Bnet: Dragonslayer#1768, Galso#11753
Discord: Dragoon#6738 Galso#5921