Hi there! I’m playing a level 36 worgen restodruid and I’m looking for a chill guild!
I’m new to the game but I fell into it fast and I’d love a friendly group to chat and occasionally run dungeons with. I picked up the game to play with my wife, who is a wow vet, but I’m playing way more than she is now and I’d love some people to hang out with while I’m soloing. Been having a hard time finding a guild through the wow guild finder, so I thought I’d check here.
Looking forward to (maybe) meeting you!
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Heya Corrin, we might be a good fit for both of you, as we have several husband/wife teams here! Here’s our recruitment post, and good luck!
[Elune] Fidelitas is recruiting more for mythic+ and raiding. We are a casual, adult family and friends group that has played many games together (including this one) for quite a long time, and we’re looking for a few more like minded to join for group content. Please reply to post, in game Greylight, bnet me at Grey#13440, or dm -Grey- #7430 in discord. Good hunting!
Hello there Corrin!
After reading your post I just wanted to drop by and tell you a bit about our little family to see if you might be interested in learning more about us. We are a progressively-minded AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, that’s currently looking for more players to add to our roster for DragonFlight. We have 2 progression teams to choose from! (Raid times for our teams are in the link I’m including)
I’m including the link to our guild information for you to check out if you find an interest to do, as we do have other things going on throughout the week and plan to be adding to that soon! We have something for everyone! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I hope to hear back from you soon and that you have a great night
Hiya Corrin!
If yer looking for a friendly place to hangout while leveling, you may want to check out our guild Shred Lobster on Stormrage!
Once you get to max level, we can see if you have any interest in raiding or mythic+ dungeons, and help you take a dive into the content that interests you most! Also, you would be more than welcome to invite your wife as well. 
I’ll place a link to our recruitment post below so you can check it out. If you think you might interested, feel free and message me. My contact info will be listed at the bottom of the recruitment page. I go by Malo (so, you’ll know which one of us to contact), and you can message me through Discord or Battlenet.
Have a great weekend!
Hi there Corrin! We have a close-knit, mature guild over on Windrunner/Darrowmere realm cluster that sounds like what you’re looking for. We are very casual, nontoxic and try to help each other gear, craft, and run instances. Many members have been playing together since BC, and even many are family. We are currently 7/8 N, 2/8 H VOTI, and we run mythic keys all week long. Raid schedule is Fri/Sat 10p-12 EST. If you have any questions, my btag is Mykee#11887 or apply thru guild finder
Hey Corrin!
The Daybreak - Tichondruis [Horde] is looking for more casual and raiders!
Who we are: A newly formed Horde guild by three friends with mythic raiding experience seeking to build a home.
Our Goals: The guild was recently formed with the intent of building a strong family atmosphere. We want this to be a home for everyone. Casual players, raiders, pvper’s are all welcome. It’s going to be a chill place to take down bosses, have event nights, etc.
As a guild we’ve already progressed 8/8N 2/8H, leadership is 8/8 N&H and 4/8M.
Raid times: Monday and Wednesday, 7:30pm to 10:30pm PST.
Recruitment needs: Open to all classes/roles/specs for general membership. High priority for raid roster is healers & DPS.
If you’re interested, please leave a reply below or contact us via Discord or Battlenet.
Discord: Grum#9775 or Mabes#0369
Bnet: Grum#11774 or Gaia#1332