Resto Druid is just not fun

Not sure if this has been suggested but how about hots heal more + tick faster with taken damage? or like make Thriving Vegetation baseline, get rid of Germination - its lazy design.

I dunno

Just my opinion,

The reason Blizzard don’t want a class with strong HOT’s is that they fear it will be to easy on DG+. Just aplying hots and them doing damage is not good in Blizzards eyes, so they nerf everything and make resto druids lifes a hell because all spells are weak AF. But them…why Resto Shaman has automatic smart heals strong AF, a kick, AOE stun, aoe poison dispell, aoe knock up, 3 strong healing CD’s, incetive to crit, a lot of movement skills, anti fear totem, better animal form, a jump…and a lot more that i forgot.

The answer: Some Blizzard boss is playing Shaman this expansion and he must have FUN :slight_smile:

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Trying my best in SS as Rdruid and I can’t get past the 1500-1600… The healing is just too low after dampening kicks in and I end up OOM way faster than other healers. :frowning:

I guess is time to do a deeper research to see if I can find a better setup of talents or playing approach or jus try my luck with BGBs to get to that 1800 rating. I just want the armor set lol.

Idk, reactive resin was always like this? I have a vague memory that it was a half-decent hot dispel protection. Damn, now that I’m getting more deep into Rdruid machinations, I can see flaws on almost every front, at least in PVP.

Curse this bloody mastery and their offspring!

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Swiftment is your highest healing ability. 3 stacks of mastery then cenarions ward. Wait 7 seconds and swiftmend. Massive heal

Im not gonna lie im having fun playing resto druid. And last night we went 9 for 9 in arena. The new changes have really helped with ramp and sustainability

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I think Resto, Balance and EVEN Feral to an extent suffer from exactly the same problems. The balancing between ‘building’ up to a ‘burst’ / resource-spending phase has, in my opinion, felt MUCH better in BfA. Less “noodle spamming”.

Your opinion is noted but regarded as an opinion only. I highly enjoy restoration druid.

Feral actually doesn’t have much ramp up period in TWW with Blizzard reducing the free energy at our disposal. Our first couple cycles when we have full energy, especially if we’re committing Convoke and/or Feral Frenzy, we jump out of the gates fairly strong.

Why do we need so much resource, though?
I miss when rotations were more variable and calculated. I’m so tired of the “spam builders for X sec then spam spenders for Y”

I mean that doesn’t really describe feral, outside of Berserk, anyway. We can’t bank combo points outside of Berserk to spam spenders on the back end of the builders, so we have to build each cycle. The only exception is if you get a series of Apex procs to be able to repeatedly hit bite; but once the procs run dry, we will still have to build combo points.

Sure, but it’s not as linear nor has as much agency as it used to be. Buttons trigger procs more, everything is just faster. I suppose the ability spam is more of a Boomy issue due to how Eclipse works, how much AP we get, and how the abilities are tuned.

I haven’t played balance in any serious capacity since BFA, so I cannot really speak to how it plays these days. But ever since Blizzard stripped down the number of buffs that impacted our snapshot, TWW is by far the most agency feral has had. We only have 2 procs that we can realistically play around due to our limited energy and snapshots, and one of them is still bound by our energy and thus not something we can “spam” by any sense.

What you’re describing could have applied to feral in Shadowlands and especially DF. But in TWW, this just isn’t the case. Blizzard removed most of the free energy we had to play with, rebalancing our bleeds in the process. Additionally, they’ve added extra effects to bite, making it an appealing option even if it means some of our bleeds will fall of for a few seconds. But then due to how energy and pandemic works, even if we chose to reapply our bleed and bite after our next cycle, the damage will equalize in most situations. For a spec predicated around DoTs, TWW feral actually gives the player much more freedom to play in different ways without completely submarining our performance.

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Hmm that’s good to hear :smiley:
The rotation did feel rather spammy when I tried it, but I’m glad you’re enjoying it. IMO BfA Boomy was twice as fun as it has been ever after.

After sitting with it through the whole first season and trying various arrangements of talents, what I came back to is my old raid build. Throughput improved drastically playing it this way, and I still find it fun to RDruid with this spec. Despite all of the dire warnings not to play with this talent selection, I had better throughput and a lot more fun doing it my way.

It was also much easier to line up guardians and flourish windows with convoke and soul-empowered Wild Growth instead of fiddling with tree form. It felt really good when everything hit at the right moment, and it felt strong enough to pull me out of those first super negative weeks when everything was bottom of the barrel.

For context, I was raiding heroic, not mythic, and our raid size varied between 14 and 17. Rarely did we ever have a full 20 on the roster. After the early hotfixes and my decision to go back to a Soul/Wild Growth-focused raid build, everything just clicked back into place. I was never as strong at any point this season as I was in previous expansions, and I feel that’s largely due to the diminished value of Tranquility as a cooldown in raids.

Do I recommend this build for anyone but me? No, not necessarily. It worked for me, though, and it was a lot of fun to play.

(It won’t let me post this image of my talents)

As for dungeon heals, I felt as strong as I ever did in the content I play. The highest keys I’ve run this season are 7’s, however, so everyone else’s mileage will vary. In 6’s & 7’s, however, running this talent spread was extremely powerful, even with groups that made a lot of mistakes or were under-geared and taking a lot of extra damage. I was able to set up a rolling full set of hots on the entire group and assist with DPS very easily and without fear of losing anyone using this talent build. I’m sure that as you climb higher in M+ difficulty, this talent spread would lose some of its benefits in comparison, but for the content I was playing, this build was super fun to play and really sturdy.

( It won’t let me post an image of my dungeon talents, either)

I didn’t find RDruid less fun to play this season. I just found it frustratingly weak in raids at the start, and I found the preferred/mathematically correct talent spread for raiding very stifling, limited, and clunky to play because of the small and difficult-to-align windows with ToL and guardians and flourish.

I opted out of that build and just went back to playing the way I wanted to…and it worked.

Can export your talents and itll give you a string that others can copy and post into their talents.

Or copy into talent calculator to see ahead od time