Resto druid is catweaving required?

I like resto druid healing however I really prefer ranged damage. I don’t like going in melee period. I like to use my class to the fullest extent so is this a deal breaker? I would prefer to just spam wrath but it doesn’t seem to do as much dmg as say resto sham doing lava burst. So any advice? :thinking:

Play the game you want to play. If Moonfire is more fun than Shred, Moonfire.

I only spam Wrath (and sometimes Sunfire if there are many targets) and I don’t do much damage. But that’s okay! It’s not our job to do the damage! :smiley:

(Idk it might be required to do damage at some point, I don’t do any hard content)


thats not true. Healers job is to heal and contribute dps

Range is fine
Some ppl just prefer kitty swatting

i cant say for 15’s and above, but i think ive done 13’s as a restoration druid. at that point and anything below, ive never catweaved and it isn’t a problem. i rarely see catweavers. the ones i do see are awesome though. id say if you are looking to play optimally, then yes, you have to catweave. if not, then it doesnt matter. just spam solarwrath. it doesnt use up resources. dot up the mobs first though.


If they are doing low keys like below 15s healer dps really doesn’t matter that much.

Depends on how high you want to push, even if you catweave as much as possible, sun fire will always be your highest damage spell

I have been getting good DPSers, lol! I usually do terrible DPS and the only issue I have is when I get out of range of the people I need to heal. I also don’t do hard stuff, so just for someone who does like 5s and the normal raid, I think it’s okay to go without cat weaving.

I love it.

Thank you.


Catweaving isn’t mandatory unless you’re pushing the highest content: M15+ or Mythic raiding.

Catweaving is definitely preferable, but only if you can preform it well. It’s a higher skill cap and it may be better to use your ranged spells if you don’t do well with kitty

moonfire/sunfire and wrath spam is better when healing, IMO.

Catweaving will put out more damage, but it also puts you in a position of taking more damage and being much less aware of the battlefield situation.

Ultimately, as a healer it’s your job to make sure everyone else is alive and able to do their jobs. Damage is always secondary, and your group should be happy you’re contributing damage at all.

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Is it required? No. Its not. Healer dps really only matters at the very highest level of play. Is it nice to have? Yeah of course it is. But will x boss or y dungeon fail because of no healer dps? No. It won’t. And if it does there are many other problems.

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As long as im alive and kicking idc if your spamming wrath or auto attacking. Do what you want in your down time.

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The caster equivalent would be balance affinity would should include moonkin and your two dot/3nuke rotation. Wrath is not tuned to be a main nuke. It needs to be backed up with your two dots plus empowered by starsurge.

I think this comes down to what you mean by fullest extent. Last thing I knew balance affinity was not kitty but solid DPS.

I realize this may not be the advice you are looking for, but I was a ranged exclusive player back in MOP. Between legion and BFA, I was able to add semi-competent melee player to my skill set. What helped me was to play a monk so I did not have a ranged option to fall back on.

At a minimum explore balance affinity and shifting between DPS and healing. Or think about Disc as the spec which is designed around ranged damage.

you don’t HAVE to catweave even if its the best option. Just saying is healer role in WoW by design can and should contribute to group damage. You are not expected to do high damage, but some damage is always good because if things die faster, it means less damage taken for the group and less healing required in most cases.

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