Resto druid feels terrible by comparison

Oh hi there!

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yo man that was gg . you are without a doubt the most cracked out MF healer ive ever seen in my life.

cant believe u did 69 mil heals in a BG… thats just nutty broski <3

Was my highest game, but WAS a hotmogu. Bit of a perfect game where your healers were decent as well :slight_smile:

Click forum name > View Profile > Collections > Pet Journal

Should show all pets, will show nickname in place of pet species if one is given (with pet species listed below).

That being said, he actually went and removed the nicknames :joy:


it says that because he changed it back to the default name.

lets just say he loves to express his love for the N word with his battle pets.


I’d say resto druid is the healer that struggles the most with having to heal gushing wound on top of the cray cray burst but then again I like to sniff nail polish remover so who knows.

yeah ngl, that was embarassing . i really do apologize for those who had to see that.

very immature of me

tbh it doesn’t offend me, and I don’t particularly care (it’s not as though I haven’t named some of my battle pets in bad taste before). I just find people getting called out on the forums hilarious.


Mastery is great, but it is reaaally costly. It takes 131 mastery for +1% vs. 85 vers for +1%. Haste only costs 68 for +1% (though its effect on throughput is not as easy to judge).
So if you don’t have two hots on the target, mastery is pretty bad and if your dots get purged or fall off, it’s practically useless. Add in the dps and defensive benefits of vers and it’s effect on trinkets/vitality conduit and it’s not clear choice at all.

The insane amount of overall damage and burst being pumped out right now is pretty bad for rDruids especially in threes. Pally and Monk bubbles are really hard to replace. I have a monk alt that I play sometimes and it’s way easier, but just not as fun for me :frowning:

As others have said, it helps to have tanky partners with good defensive CD’s. And any healer can make lock/X work (because nerf locks).

In two’s, burst hasn’t felt like nearly as big an issue to me (at least at my rating). My main concern is actually going OOM.

Full hots, plus a swiftmend and a SoTF regrowth should pretty much heal someone to full until deep dampening. Granted that’s at least three GCD’s which can take far too long these days. Personally, I run with vitality conduit, which gives you another burst of healing. If you are near full health and switch to bear it’s almost free. The problem comes after that though, if someone is sitting in the line of fire of a Lock, no one can keep healing through that. Even the top tier healers still need their dps to LoS and CC/silence effectively. Pally/monk bubble definitely make mistakes easier to recover from, but that doesn’t mean the dps shouldn’t be pulling their weight.

Opening out of stealth and spammable crowd control with cyclone and root. Yeah cyclone has a cast time and a 20 yard range, but if you can land it safely, it can turn the game. If you’re willing to give up some defensive benefits from guardian affinity, you also get a rake/stun (technically without a CD but requires stealth).

I’m not saying that makes up for not having the defensive CD’s of pally/monk, but it’s kind of a big deal. In terms of offering CC, the potential is much greater (even if the skill cap is higher).

Most druids are talented into Stonebark 90% of the time. That gives ironbark a +20% healing buff. 20% reduced damage and 20% increased healing should help against any class. Granted, if the destro and fire mage are free casting, then it’s not going to do much, but that is a loss condition for any team. Pally/monk bubble will help for a time, but once it’s on CD, they aren’t going to be able to heal through it either.

Rejuv by itself isn’t supposed to amount to much. I do think they could tune the mana cost down a bit so that keeping it up wouldn’t be so costly. In my experience, Rejuv+germination+lifebloom needs to be on the kill target if at all possible.

I think rdruids are one of the most versatile healers who can adapt to any kind of pacing. The entirety of their viableness usually depends on how effectiveness their HoTs are with how squishy they are. Rdruids are predominantly known to excel in setup based comps if they have proper self sustained heals and their HoTs aren’t insignificant.

They aren’t your typical “sit back and heal” healers. The spec usually demands players to jump into the fight one way or another and utilize their different forms and utility (cyclone, bash, stealth repositioning, elusiveness).

With NS and some pre-existing utility options coming back for rdruid with some rotation changes based around HoTs I honestly think it’ll put them in a good spot if tunings are done reasonably.

In shadowlands, sure. But the pace of the meta and the style behind the most meta comps puts Rdruids at a major disadvantage as Hpal and MWer are sit back 40 yards and heal classes. Hpal can get their CC off easily with hoj and blind being hard to peel as opposed to druid really only being able to clone off of bashes and druids are way more easily punished for pushing in. In shadowlands they could be good but they really have no place in the current meta.

They do have a place in current meta, though.


Rdruids have some issues and can’t heal as many comps that HPal/MW do, but they still can still play a few comps that are very solid or great.

MLD, Splay, and DHDK.

Every healer has a place in the meta but the point is druids options are severely limited. No one is saying Rdruid isn’t a capable healer, they just can really only play MLD and maybe splay. Sort of like disc…Disc is super limited in its comp viability which makes them inferior to say MWer or Hpal that can play with a lot of different comps. That’s all this comes down to really…comp viability. Druids and Disc priests are insanely limited putting them at the bottom of the barrel currently in the meta.

Lots of people said that, though. Hence why I emphasized the comps they can still succeed at.

I might be misremembering it wrong, but in the history of Disc their options have always been limited. So I don’t think it’s a good example to draw from.

Arguing that Rdruid has limited options and/or doesn’t feel satisfying to play is something I think most of us will agree on. That’s kind of been the theme of this expansion. When Rdruids were oppressive the last 2 years, they took over the niche of a lot of healers, mainly MWs. And MWs barely had any comps to hang on to as a result.

Currently HPal and MW have such solid throughput and for HPal, incredible cooldowns that are able to keep up with the pace due to Ineffable Truth, that it pushes other healers out of various comps.

But other healers still can succeed. I feel that it’s important to put focus on that aspect for a couple reasons:

  1. This expansion is pretty much over. Asking for changes or nerfs is like shouting at a black hole at this point. It’s better to focus on Slands feedback for your class.
  2. It’s a better use of your (whoever is playing Rdruid) time to focus on what makes Rdruid work and improve at that aspect as a player. When Rdruids come back to the front of the pack, your time spent honing CC/Awareness/Teamwork will become incredibly useful at this point.

Its felt awful ever since corruption. When ppl would proc 2-3 mindflays. I would heal a bunch and theyd train right back thru it. They just do not scale well with corruption at all either. Have to be a hpal or mw, and there’s no way im starting this long grind alllll over again

Forgot to mention ur still viable but would need to heal like idk dh or warlock or something. Me personally i dont like the current comps with rdruid so im just gonna pick up on a dps that is somewhat geared

I mean… it shouldn’t have to be this way.

Like, playing a hunter shouldn’t mean that you have to play jungle.

It shouldn’t. But if an average player wants to push, they have to play with a comp that has the best synergy.