Resto Druid Feedback

Firstly I want to say thank you for working on Resto Druid but honestly you’ve targeted the wrong things, I’ve mentioned this in another thread but I thought I’d make its own.

Nature’s Swiftness isn’t the answer for Resto if anything remove it. We want more HoTs and Swiftmends. Not Nature’s Swiftness.

Nature’s Swiftness removed replaced by Overgrowth with a slight buff. This should be our 1 min cd that all Druids pick up nice and early, insanely works with our mastery, further helps up set up ramp if needed, but really shines with how Resto Druid work.

  • Overgrowth - 1 min cd, Apply Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, Wild Growth, and Regrowth’s heal over time effect to an ally. healing over time is increased by 25%.

Its subsequent talents Nature’s Splendor increases the Healing over time boost to 50%, Passing Seasons reduces its cd by 12 seconds.

Twinleaf should be changed but also switched with Forest’s Flow, be nice to have early in the tree and close to our other Clearcasting Talents.

Verdant Infusion + Prosperity are one node combined.

  • Prosperity - Swiftmend has 2 charges, no longer consumes a heal over time effect, and extends the duration of your heal over time effects on the target by 8 sec.

Twinleaf takes the spot of Forest’s Flow but now gives an additional charge of Swiftmend. (We can choose to have 3 total).

Soul of the Forest will get a slight change in compensation to losing Insta Regrowth from Nature’s Swiftness.

  • Soul of the Forest - Swiftmend increases the healing of your next Regrowth or Rejuvenation by 150%, or your next Wild Growth by 50%. Regrowth is now instant.

I’d love to see Wild Growth instant too but might be too much.

These changes seriously double down on Resto Druids unique HoT based playstyle but the synergy it brings is even better.

Overgrowth + Swiftmend to blanket a target with extended amplified HoTs.

Swiftmend + Regrowth for quick burst healing.

Swiftmend + Reforestation, 3 charges gives us a on demand way to proc Reforestation when needed.

Swiftmend is a huge answer to Resto Druid, works every way possible then Nature’s Swiftness, it interacts with our Mastery due to Grove Tending, has synergy with our other HoTs by extending them, works with multiple Talents and literally our whole kit. The synergy it brings is infinitely better than a second charge of Nature’s Swiftness.

It’s simply a better Nature’s Swiftness. I’d honestly sacrifice an instant cast Brez for everything else it can provide to Resto Druids as a whole.

I’d also like to see Budding Leaves and Thriving Vegetation become 1 point nodes for its full effect to help further increase pathing and choice and ofcourse a Class Tree Overhaul (Bring back Moonkin Form to Resto).

In Short, Nature’s Swiftness isn’t the answer.