Resto Druid design issues in PVP

Remove Scouring Flame.

  1. It takes very long to start healing
    Most major CDs fit into 2 categories. Off GCD (Berserk, Celestial Alignment, Avenging Wrath, Pillar of Frost, Trueshot), or instant effect on use (Chi Cocoon for Celestials, Shield on Rapture, large heals on Ascendance, now on Evangelism). Incarnation is none of those. Couple that with Swiftmending requiring a HOT, but Lifebloom not being valid, it just takes very long time setting up to be able to pick your team up from opening burst.
  2. Inexistent cooldown trading power
    This would all not be very aggravating if we had any cooldown power outside of Incarn. Tranquility is DOA after losing Preserve Nature, Flourish is a pathetic cooldown since the inexplicable annihilation brought on by the goofy Treants in 10.1.5, and that’s the entirety of my spellbook.
  3. Photosynthesis RNG
    Sometimes, Photosynthesis Blooms are close to the top of my healing meter reaching upwards of 12%. Multiple other times, it’s close to the bottom, barely registering at 4-5%. The variance in healing when sitting a CC chain between procing 4 Blooms vs 0 is very annoying, I want control over my healing.
  4. Scouring Flame seriously needs to go
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Purge consequence needs to be implemented 100%
losing tranq bubble feels actually awful currently as it feels like we don’t have any survivability buttons during crazy dmg as hots can’t actually keep up and the only healing comes from tree spam healing or soul of the forest, outside of that feels awful

ancient of lore is boring design… basically shadowlands flesh craft that they removed and now just added into tree… having to waste NS on it because casting it feels bad.

Hots in general such as cenward, lifebloom, rejuvenation, germ, wild growth, cultivation, even treant healing are pretty awful when looking at actual numbers in comparison to damage… I posted a screen shot in my other thread showing it. Hots and cen ward need to be stronger, soul of the forest should be nerfed in that case as it’s terrible.

Damage for forms are pretty terrible in comparison to every other healer… I can’t even kill a dps that’s sub 5% hp running around while healers in triple cc dr even with all the “dmg talents” it still feels weak like last season

Thorns pvp talent is actual trash, there was a time when thorns was a good deterrent for melee not to hit you now it does zero damage and poses no threat.

The new symbiotic relationship talent is also pretty bad, does very little healing in pvp not even worth taking.

Oh yeah the damage is insane. Rushing Wind Kick does 1M hits as AOE on <10s CD. Rip does ~400k damage per cast. It’s super ridiculous.

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