Resto Druid Convoke

Seriously Resto Druid Convoke needs to be changed and Moonkin Form needs to return to help fix this issue.

Firstly Convoke is a poor excuse of a healing cd in Player Form. It’s seriously a mixed bag of rng praying the right spells are cast, and to make it worse actually cast on the targets that need it.

I want to continue to say, NO CD SHOULD HAVE RNG ATTACHED TO IT, Especially when used as a Healing cd let alone dps.

This wouldn’t be such an issue if Convoke in player form actually only casted Healing spells but sadly it’s a mixed combination of spells from all our forms and abilities, this needs to change.

Kittyweaving with Convoke has a reliable way to turn Convoke into a solid dps cd if needed.

Convoke in Cat Form :+1:t4:.

Sadly the as a caster option it’s absolutely horrible. This is where in the past Moonkin Form helped alleviate this issue for a solid dps option, which for some crazy decision was removed.

Convoke in Player Form for Healing/Dps :-1:t4:.

This is why Convoke the spell itself needs to change and Moonkin Form needs to return for Resto Druid.

Convoke should only cast certain spells depending on its Form.

  • Player Form - Only casts Healing spells.
  • Cat Form - Only cast Feral spells.
  • Moonkin Form - Only cast Balance spells.

Moonkin Form needs to return to continue to grant the flexibility of Convoke whether we use it as a Healing CD or DPS CD.

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