Resto Druid Buff Inc

  • All healing increased by 4%. Does not apply to PvP combat.

Definitely very needed. Anything to help further close the gap.


So that’s on top of the 8% from this last week?

And we still have the upcoming changes on the PTR where they are basically giving us our Dragonflight S3/S4 tier bonus back as a talent, among other changes.

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Yeah this be a further 4% added on next reset, which I’m happy to see.

Unfortunately, the buff will still fall short. We need % buffs AND talent reworks sooner than November. Especially those that favor M+. We currently have 1 major cooldown in this environment, and it is boring as heck. Tree + regrowth spam. Cute. How about some more creativity by the devs in developing competitive utility options and increased accessibility to talents that matter.


I’d agree about M+. I’ve been finding raid is fine, not topping necessarily but I can put out nice ramp healing if I time it well with mechanics. I have however been struggling a bit with some M+ bosses.

First tier playing healer though, so that is likely contributing, maybe I just figured out the raid stuff but haven’t figured out M+ healing yet?

Blizz just raking in money from all the happy Evok & Sham bam healers opening they’re wallets to them lmao.

Don’t expect anything that will make resto druids viable in any form for mythic raiding this xpac. The devs would have to break everything.

Im so tired of people on their evoker alts, with generic names like evokerpump.

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Hey, so… we still SUCK.


If it’s not fixed in 2 weeks i’m quitting WOW.


Yep same with Hpal/PROT pally in pvp and most pve content. Feels bad.

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We do :frowning:

Curious to see how blizzard handles it.