Resto Druid and Mage looking for raiding guild
Brynan#5049 on discord
Brynan#1917 battlenet
Looking for a guild that raids any day that ends by 11:30 pm ST for week days, available any time on weekends. Would prefer 14/14 on farm.
Logs available for both
is recruiting raiders. We are a new and growing guild that meets your time requirements. We are starting to put together 25-man for P2 and have only done Kara at the moment. If you are interested reach out to “Azcus” in game. I will send you a msg in disc.
< MHC > 14/14 Fri/Sat 10pm-1am EST is recruiting for our core 25 man team! Somewhere between casual and semi-hc, we have all of phase 1 on farm and are currently looking to fill in our remaining slots to go into phase 2 strong.
Currently recruiting:
Healers (resto sham pref)
Offtanks (feral/pally pref)
We run a tiered soft reserve loot system ensuring everyone gets the pieces of gear that THEY want!
You can msg me anytime if you have any questions:
discord - Deins#7987
bnet- Deins#1165