Title. We’re losing AG cause they “do the same thing as Ascendance” but its still a HPS loss. Will the dev give us something?
Of course not. Don’t be silly.
AG must have whiplash. Frustrated to lose it again, will be fun mashing that hotkey for the first week or so and have nothing happen.
True. I should know better for them to have the simplest of foresight
This is going to feel really bad if this goes live as is. Finally when shaman was in a decent place, they have to go fix what isn’t broken…
It’s a bad change. Please buff Ascendance or give us a Tank cool down / external for Resto.
A tank CD or 10% more on Ascendance with an additional 5 secs would be good compensation
i reeeally hope this doesnt go live. AG is a cornerstone ability man.
I’m less concerned with buffing Ascension, but am very concerned with losing a CD that helped overcome frequent healer checks in dungeons. Healing tide and SLT have way too long of base cool downs to justify the loss of AG for that content.
This is the issue. They claimed that they were frequently used together, sometimes sure, but it it’s the times when they weren’t that you’re really going to feel it. Bare minimum, they should make the talent CD reduction on healing tide a full minute instead of 45 seconds.
And throw us a bone and keep Ancestral vigor one talent point, I’ll be happy enough with those two changes.
What is the point of taking the ability away? I’m having a difficult time coming up with a reason to be honest. I think it’d be safe to leave it as is for Resto Shamans. Thanks