Only if they take dmg for being outside in day time.
They do it’s called the jacked up Night Elf and Nightborne.
The great part of this is that anything Void Elves are getting is more than likely copy/paste where since our model is different Blizzard is actually putting in the work to make it or create it so I’ll take actual new stuff over copy/paste any day.
I can understand this pov.
While I totally understand that I’m still of the mind that people who wanted the Blood/high elf model should have gone Horde and if I want to play any races on the alliance I’d just make one of them. Gnomes are the only Alliance race I like.
Give Blood Elves Druids.
I always thought it’d be fair if Alliance got Belf clones we’d get Nelf clones (Nightborne). But Nightborne came out with awkward models, awkward animations, no customization and was disappointed. If Nightborne can be Nelf copies it’d be fine with Alliance getting their Belves.
How about scars and tattoos?
Void elf hair styles and facial hair styles, and blizzard separating the beard and mustache like they did for other races?
Make Sanlayn elves instead. Don’t blur the elf lines even more.
And oh… unite the elves in their own faction. Org and SW prosper while the elven capitals lay in ruin.
I don’t know, the goth and edgy thalassian elf theme seems to be for the Alliance so I’ll disagree. What you can get is more light themes though! Light tattoos, light everything. Your race is connected to the sunwell which is powered by the Light and Arcane after all. Post TBC the blood elf race embraced a new society built by The Light.
The time is nigh for a new Queen… the Banshee Queen’s time is past.
Bring on the Blood Queen and her Sanlayn.
I am all for new options for blood elves. I’d use the wretched look myself, and I know a few people who would benefit greatly from red eyes…
And also, give bc box art runic tattoos/scarification.
Just rename the class High Elves at this point. Sadly, the big amount of High Elf demands stopped what could’ve been cool Void customizations (Not tentacles, please).
High Elves after Blood Elves get sanlyan eyes.
“This is mine now”
still trying to separate farstrider tattoos from blood elves? theyve been among the alliance this entire time and are an alleria thing right?
blood elves should actually be the race to get this option. good idea
The biggest mistake was not giving Void Elves a unique and obviously different model like the NB. It opened the gates of blood elf/high elf hell upon this world.
Plus they are shooting themselves in the foot for future possibilities, ie there is no lore reason why any elf can’t become void touched. But the more they rely on High Elf models the more they paint themselves into a corner in that respect.
What if a Night Elf druid or a Nightborne mage for example decides to go void… there’s no lore reason that cannot happen.
i would take actual nightbone or skinny LIVING kultirans for forsaken as they share the same model with females. they can be our fogsail humans
We DoNt WaNt KuL TiRaN hUmAnS, wE WaNt FoGsAiL HuMaNs
Yes, this, big support for this. It’d be like a night warrior questline, and explore the origins of the vampyr curse on Azeroth, elaborating more on the vampirates from Legion. Possibly more on the missing blood princes as well.
We could have jet black eyes as a reward, claws, and fangs. Bat-like ears would also be really neat. Hoping we at least get this.
Vampire lore goes back to Vanilla, Kirtinos was a vampire.
The Horde is so entitled.