Rested XP Bonus Question

Is there a way to tell how much rested XP Bonus you have when it carries into the next level? In other words, if my character is level 50 and the rested bonus XP marker doesn’t show because it carries into level 51, is there a way to know how far it carries over? I was hoping there was a way so that I can rest a player so that it has the maximum rested bonus before I start playing again.

If you haven’t read this it might answer some of your questions. It also discusses the effect of heirlooms on rested experience. If you go the heirloom route just be sure you understand the heirloom system in Shadowlands, costs of upgrades, and so on.

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The macro contained in that link is the exact thing I was looking for. Thank you.

EDIT: Although when I just ran it on a toon I have been resting, it says I have 38/30 bubbles which is odd. I figured the max would be 30/30.