Respect to all healers

Golden rule of WoW PvE is to never make you healers job harder.

Golden rule of WoW PvP is to never make your healers job harder and make the other healers want to re-roll :grin:


Please sticky this to the battleground main forum.

preach! I regularly take duel and war banner for random bg’s to help the ol’ healy bois out

Also don’t bully the healer because they can’t always heal you while they’re always getting targeted by the enemy. Had that happen to me in the Hotmogu brawl earlier while dealing with lag as well.


WTF no heals?
All report healer afk.


Lol… Hotmogu…

Healer: “Alright, everybody. Grab the orbs and then let’s get control of mid.

Healer is the only one who jumps in the middle and gets instantly torn to shreds.

Healer: /afk

Sometimes playing a Healer in BGs is kind of like having a tooth pulled.

Thanks for your time,


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I had enough yesterday. Ran to Market with the group in Deepwind, we won the fight and turned the flag. BUT… there was one Horde rogue left… and NOBODY was getting him off of me. They were literally just standing there. I said, don’t you see this rogue attacking me? I’m standing there healing myself and trying to get away. I just left the group after that. Like what the hell.


Honestly there should be a BG basics proving ground like the DPS/Healing proving grounds you have to complete before being able to que for BGs.

First lesson is peel for the healz.

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The first thing i learned to do in pvp, is peel for my healers. seriously i used to just stand near a healer and bodyguard them all day.


“peelz teh heelz” new pvp guild name.


i agree entirely, but some healers r very bad with their positioning. i mean if theyre in the enemy backline and have 6 people standing on top of them, thats teir fault and i cant do much about it…

but if they stand in our backline and i see a rogue on them, i will def hit the rogue and make him vanish away


One of my favorite things in a BG is when a stray rogue or warrior starts chasing me in the back line and just gets vaporized by 2-3 casters back there with me. I make sure to top them off every chance i get.


As a dedicated Bg healer, I love this thread.
I love healing Bg’s and have made many, many friends because of it, some even becoming close real life friends just because I healed them in Bg’s, but it really does make our job easier if someone will just help us out a bit.

Give me one small opening and I can generally get my macros off and heal myself back up, and the peeler and whoever else needs it.

And please don’t leave me to defend the nodes then gripe about not getting healed lol!

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Similar here! If I see a resto druid, I make it my duty to focus fire him, and watch as he barely notices…

Except for the fact that healers are the most broken overpowered role in PvP and have been since they made pvp garbage in legion.

Healers have been obnoxious since warlords, where you could actually kill them

/hugs to you

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This seems to be on par with healing. I’m always having to use that corruption disappearing portal to save my life.

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Id say he just wants to be able to solo them :roll_eyes:


A lot of people who are new to pvp think that it’s everyone else’s job to keep them out of danger. If they die, it must have been because nobody came to their rescue with sick peelz.

No matter what your class and role is, you should learn how to position yourself and stay alive even nobody is able to help you. I know from experience at trying to protect these players that just go splat that there is never enough you can do for them short of wiping the enemy team without their help. Even if the enemy team is training a DPS into the ground and ignoring heals, the noob healer will still not be getting enough peelz to keep anyone alive.

The fact of the matter is that good healers are the hardest players to kill, to the point where it’s often better to cc them and nuke down DPS who have already used their defensives than it is to try to kill one. Healers have so many things they can use to reduce damage, cc their attackers, or run out of danger with high mobility. It takes a coordinated effort to bring one down.

If you’re not there yet in terms of skill, then focus on improving your own gameplay rather than trying to change all the random people you get grouped with by LFG.

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