Respawn Rates in TWW Are Garbage

The respawn rates in the expansion are incredibly annoying. 30 people standing around for 15 minutes to kill some sea gulls for “No More Bread”. “Recovery Job” only spawning one shipyard box at a time, and only lootable by one player. There’s another world quest in Isle of Dorn that has you killing kobolds, and those respawn rates are awful as well. It’s getting to the point I don’t even want to do the worlds quests anymore because they’re a waste of time. I get not wanting people to abuse hyper spawns, but just reduce the loot tables or something. I don’t remember having this issue in any other expansion?


+1 came to say the same thing. I am no game designer or anything but it just seems negligent to have so many world quests be this poorly designed in 2024 when this issue has already been addressed in previous expansions.


Recovery Job is absurd spawn rate. 50 people trying to grab 1 chest that respawns every 10 min and sometimes it trolls you with a spider.


or a bomb…

It honestly feels like the developers just actively hate the players with these quest ‘designs.’ That, or they are unbelievably terrible at their job. Not sure which is worse.


Standing in Tenir’s Ascent trying to complete Recovery Job right now and am so frustrated. I understand adding an element of challenge, but micro-timegating with terrible respawn rates and forced competition against the other 20 people vying for the same tool is not an interesting or engaging type of challenge. If you can’t strategize your way through it, it’s just bad design.

ETA: Even better – if you leave the WQ area thinking you’ll come back and finish later, you lose the tools you already spent 30 minutes fighting for. Guys. Come on.

  • BOOST - It honestly feels like they’re TRYING to annoy people with the WQs in this expansion. Horrible spawn timers, single person items so people are camping item spawns…
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It feels like they don’t play the game, or don’t play the game in high-pop realms.


I genuinely don’t think they do play it, but I also have an incredibly hard time believing they were unaware of what a clusterf these quests would become.

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