resistance raiding question

i know in MC and BWL there was a decent number of bosses and trash immune or very resistant to fire. was there any bosses immune to highly resistant to cold? Sapphiron perhaps? i've been trying to find this info but just can't locate it anywhere
WotLK era posts say he is highly resistant but definitely not immune.
where did all the god like naxx raiders go? i see them posting in these forums daily. someone must know this info
Mages are fire spec in naxx

Sapphiron is actually undead not a elemental. Only elementals are immune to their class of damage.
11/11/2018 09:29 PMPosted by Vhok
where did all the god like naxx raiders go? i see them posting in these forums daily. someone must know this info

You seem like you have a ton of friends.
Why would you even care if a boss is resistant to a !@#$ty spec?
You won't raid as fire in MC or BWL. You will be frost. You will go fire for AQ and when your guild decides to do MC you are going to sit back and look cute and spam frost bolt.
11/11/2018 10:10 PMPosted by Aranhod
Why would you even care if a boss is resistant to a !@#$ty spec?

if you think frost is a bad spec then you didn't play vanilla my friend.
11/11/2018 08:28 PMPosted by Vhok
i know in MC and BWL there was a decent number of bosses and trash immune or very resistant to fire. was there any bosses immune to highly resistant to cold? Sapphiron perhaps? i've been trying to find this info but just can't locate it anywhere

See and here I thought you were going to ask about resistance in gear and where it's needed.

And I was going to specially point out that it's far less important in 1.12 than it was in 1.1 because Tank threat is far higher, as a result DPS can effectively go full out because they don't pull aggro, in turn boss does faster, as a result healers don't OOM in turn DPS discover they can now use PVP gear allocation in place of PVE allocation.

Making +resist gear only kinda useful because it's now more a gimmick component to a gimmick fight instead of common place.
11/11/2018 10:39 PMPosted by Cybertilded
You won't raid as fire in MC or BWL. You will be frost. You will go fire for AQ and when your guild decides to do MC you are going to sit back and look cute and spam frost bolt.

On the up side - If you get to AQ as a mage - you really dont have any reason to go back to MC...

Anywho to answer the OP's question - Sapphiron is immune to frost. Kel,Thuzad has some higher forst resistance but you can bypass those with PVP trinket thats easy to get and speccing into Arcane Subtelty.
On other bosses you can go frost. You wont match fire mages tho. They scale better.
11/11/2018 11:24 PMPosted by Rongente
11/11/2018 10:39 PMPosted by Cybertilded
You won't raid as fire in MC or BWL. You will be frost. You will go fire for AQ and when your guild decides to do MC you are going to sit back and look cute and spam frost bolt.

On the up side - If you get to AQ as a mage - you really dont have any reason to go back to MC...

Anywho to answer the OP's question - Sapphiron is immune to frost. Kel,Thuzad has some higher forst resistance but you can bypass those with PVP trinket thats easy to get and speccing into Arcane Subtelty.
On other bosses you can go frost. You wont match fire mages tho. They scale better.

11/11/2018 10:08 PMPosted by Roflstar
Mages are fire spec in naxx

Sapphiron is actually undead not a elemental. Only elementals are immune to their class of damage.

one of you is wrong.
11/12/2018 12:08 AMPosted by Vhok
one of you is wrong.

Technically no, neither of them is wrong. Fire was better DPS in Naxx, but not due to Frost resistance.
11/12/2018 04:43 AMPosted by Rastaimposta
11/12/2018 12:08 AMPosted by Vhok
one of you is wrong.

Technically no, neither of them is wrong. Fire was better DPS in Naxx, but not due to Frost resistance.

i have no idea why you think thats the part i was referring to. talking about saph being immune or just resistant to cold.
11/12/2018 04:06 PMPosted by Vhok
11/12/2018 04:43 AMPosted by Rastaimposta

Technically no, neither of them is wrong. Fire was better DPS in Naxx, but not due to Frost resistance.

i have no idea why you think thats the part i was referring to. talking about saph being immune or just resistant to cold.

To be fair, they could still both be right, if Roflstar was speaking in the general case.

In the general case, only elementals are immune to their own damage type. That is to say, all elementals are innately immune to their own damage type. The same is not true of any other creature type, but specific members of the creature type can have immunities.

So Sapphiron isn't immune to frost by virtue of being undead; it's immune to frost because it's Sapphiron.

(PS - I actually have no idea myself whether or not Sapphiron is immune to frost. I'm just positing a hypothetical case in which they're both right.)

I went fire as a mage for AQ40 and Naxx as all our mages were required to do in my guild on Sulfuras. I’m arcane / frost now (31,0,20) doin fine in AQ40 haven’t been in Naxx yet with my guild on Whitemane