I did an AB last night, 20 march and the RV achievement was not awarded. It was a guild pre-made and none of the 15 people were awarded it. We started down by 600 and won the match 1474 to 1500. Everyone was awarded the “We had it all along” achievement but not the Resilient Victory one. The people involved were Finklefig, Wickedshae, Carrime, Medikate, Bobe, Finevain, Zephiti, Alobar, Nasindris, Kazzinoth, Frenzikk, Alyonah, , the other three were pugs. We are all on the Dalaran server in the Rough around the Edges guild.
We did it not once, or even twice, but 3 times! There is absolutely no reason for us to get one achieve and not the other. I’m sure Blizzard will say it was a bug like they usually do.
We deserve our Resilient Victory Blizz! Don’t let us down. We worked for it and met the criteria more than once. Please fix this for us.
N granted this toon isn’t in the Rough Around Edges but I was there!
BTW, We earned it when many of us earned the We Had It All Along cough achiv. And in the match b4 it. If that makes it easier for you to find and fix.
The other pugs were Lilmagix and Jade. I’m missing one name and I’m trying to think of who it was
Blizzard really need to work on their bugs, some of these non awarded achievements are very hard and is highly unfair, considering we’re also paying a monthly fee for the game
I was in group with him, and none of us got the achievement. we worked very hard to get it and we deserve what we worked for, so please give us the achievement.
Please fix this for those that were there. I know how happy they were when they were sure they had it and how sad when it didn’t pop like it should have. It’s very disappointing to work towards something, especially something that takes a large group, and not be rewarded what is promised.
Please fix this achiv for them.
I was there too. They were ahead by at least 600 before we took a capture point in three of our four games trying to get this achievement.
This was during comp stomp if that helps. All the other achievements were awardable but this one.
I streamed it and everything so it aint like we dont got proof that we did it we did it multiple times on multiple nights
Ok @Blizzard, you said you needed proof that we were 500 or more resources behind, I gave it to you in my own ticket asking you to please fix this for us, you still have not replied so here once again is VIDEO PROOF we should have been awarded the achievement!!! Now please do the right thing and award those who were apart of the effort their just reward, and 500k gold in punitive damages, for our loss of sleep, lack of appetite, and general grumpiness, over the frustration of not getting this achievement like we should have. Thank you very much for your time.