Resilience cap?

So I noticed after finishing off my pvp gear setup on my boomy that I should have 3735 resil. when I open up the character sheet it won’t go past 3040. removing several pieces of gear and it stays at 3040. Does classic just have a 3040 resil cap instead of having no cap with diminishing returns? I’ve looked all over for anything about it in original patch notes and it looked like 4.1 added in diminishing returns to resil and that was it, but no hard cap was implemented.

It just seems very odd if they implemented a cap specifically for classic and it being 3040 (32.03% damage reduction, not even a rounded off number)

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There shouldn’t be a resil cap in Cata. I can’t test for myself yet but that’s odd.

Likely another bug… there was never resil cap.

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Found the issue, the bonus 400 resil from kodohide and wyrmhide set bonuses are not being applied to stack together and a couple resil socket bonuses arn’t being applied to my character sheet.

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