Which of the Resident Evil Games would you consider the best or the worst?
Worst: 6.
Best: 8.
Runners up for best: 2 and 4 remakes and 7. The original version of 2 was a great game for its time but hasn’t aged that well. The original version of 4 has a lot of positives but loses points due to its awful nearly unplayable control scheme (aiming is awful because it’s like it wants to be digital with an analog stick).
While i wouldn’t call it the worst, 0 loses a LOT of points due to tossing the item box, effectively making the game 4x longer, but all of that time spent ferrying items around. I don’t know what genius thought that up, it’s the worst padding I’ve ever seen. RE0 would be a lot of fun if not for that.
So best RE games in my opinion are the ones that don’t follow the main a erc. Code veronica X and survivors are my favourite 2.