<Reset> raid Tuesday/Wednesday LF DPS and healer FOR 9.1

Hello! Reset is a group of like-minded people who strive to push content in a way that cultivates community and progress simultaneously! Our main goal for every patch is to achieve AOTC at a rather respectable pace while also looking to push into Mythic if given the opportunity, all while maintaining a fun and positive environment. Our raid days are Tuesday/Wednesday from 8-11 EST, and we are currently looking for ranged DPS and a Restoration Shaman. On days we do not raid we like to participate in the Mythic Plus feature both casually and more seriously depending on the goal we have, and are also looking for more people interested in these systems as well! Please ask any further questions you may have to either this forum or one of the Officers we have in the guild.

Officer Battletags:

10/10H Looking for more going into 9.1!

Bump it reeeeal good

we bump those

We like big bumps, and we cannot lie…

going to the doctor to look at all these bumps

Excited for our first look at the new raid! Still looking for more to join in the fun :slight_smile:

3/10 Heroic & 6/10 Normal after 1st week - still looking for more rdps!

Ranged dps (with healing off-spec especially) are still a need. Look us up if interested. Thanks!

Still looking for a few more dps - 7/10 H & 10/10 N. Good group of peeps!

We are now 9/10 H but suffering from the attendance boss. Would be open to working with another guild/group in the same situation. We have 2 tanks, 4 healers, and about 6 consistent dps. Solid group of people who just want to raid and continue to progress into mythic if we can find raiders.

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Hey Mysterieux! Last Intent (10/10H - 2/10M) is a newly transferred guild to Bleeding Hollow and would love the opportunity to join forces with you guys! We raid Tues/Wed from 8-11 EST and do high keys & alt raids the rest of the week depending on who is available. Let’s connect this week about possibly pulling together our teams to push some mythic content!