Researcher's Under Fire Event Bugged

Just tried to do a Researchers Under Fire Event, when we supposedly completed it with about 10min to spare, it said to go speak to Rannan to complete, but he never spawned. Also the Researchers Objectives were only 9/12 when it announced this.

Edit: This was for everyone, not just me.


Our’s just got to stage “Leader to a Flame” - we killed Captain Reykal but the zone / quest never registered it and it sat and timed out.


Same as Stulths post. massive outdoor group of us killed captain reykal, but it didn’t register and now the event is timing out. 8/12 objectives complete


I haven’t had it work once for me today, on several characters. Timer just starts and finishes and nothing happens/spawns.


Same - tried it twice in a row. Nothing’s spawning.


Event wouldn’t even start on Rexxar. Timed out twice. Realm hopped to a server that had it up, didn’t get completion for killing the Captain. This thing is bugged on multiple levels.


I hope blizz fixes this soon, I have a weekly that depends on it. -_-


Same issue, nothing spawns, no event. Can’t even participate. The Fyraak event is bugged too, doesn’t award the bag when you complete. Are they testing this stuff?


Still bugged. Sometimes it works but if it doesn’t, it really breaks the entire event. Doesn’t matter which one in particular, if one the ‘current’ objectives break, it will basically lock up all of it until it resets and crossing its own fingers it doesn’t.

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day 2 of it being bugged on Thrall server

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Still bugged on Argent Dawn. Nothing happens but the timer ticks down.


Dath’remar here and the event is not starting at all. The countdown gets to zero and then resets to 30-35 minutes and counting down again. Nothing spawns to start the event.

Ya, it’s still horribly bugged… it won’t even start though the count down timer is “working” if you can even call it that if the quest doesn’t even start. No prompt no nothing just a timer and everything else about it is broken

Same for me, tried several times on 2 different characters on the same realm and it doesn’t start. It did start and work and complete on another character on a different realm though.

Tried all day yesterday and once a couple of mobs spawned but thats it. So how are supposed to get our weekly Aiding the Accord completed or are just going to get duped and miss out? Which blows cause several of my toons have this as the weekly requirement to complete.

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This week’s aiding the accord for me was to visit the Suffusion camp for the Fyrakk event, not aid the researchers.

I’m in the same boat - Only one alt left with the event for aiding the Accord - so annoying!

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same here have been camping it and it is not working

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I was able to finish the event on my rogue alt early afternoon yesterday, but every time since then it has been completely broken. Rather important given it’s required for the weekly quest, “Aiding the Accord: Researchers Under Fire”.

It hasn’t mattered what server my character was sharded into, whether it was her home realm or some random realm like Thrall. Quite frustrating since my mage and death knight alts still need it.

I checked this out on some alts. Every level 70 alt who had not already picked up Aiding the Accord: Researchers was offered Aiding the Accord: Suffusion Camp. (None of them have visited Zaralek yet.)

The single one of my level 70 alts (who also has not visited Zaralek yet) who had already picked up the early version of Aiding the Accord, which was definitely Researchers Under Fire, I abandoned the quest and re-acquired it and was offered Suffusion Camp instead.

My main had already completed Researchers under Fire and the one alt who has Researchers has already nearly completed the 3K rep, so I think I’m going to stay stubborn on that one and hope it gets fixed this week.