Researchers Under Fire 12/12 gave 250 item

I found a full group and completed a 12/12 Researchers Under Fire in Zaralek Caverns in the morning of 04/24/2024. At the end, I got a 250 item level cloak. I know it’s not current content, but that’s lower than it should be.


Happened to me as well and now all loot sources are broken in terms of ilvl. Nothing is over 400.


same for me, the chest gave me a ilvl 200 item

Same here, and world quests are displaying ilevel 350 loot rewards as well.

Something happened at an hour change and everything bugged. Was getting appropriate 480 stuff and then when i got onto an alt of equivalent ilvl, everything had dropped down to the 350 range

I’ve been getting as between 250 and 350, and occassionally I get a 480+, it’s RANDOM AF.

I won’t touch anything until a fix. :frowning:
Got/wasted some quests reward for 350ilvl gear from those storm caches.
Even TW’s weekly reward seems to give a waaayy lower ilvl than expected.

It’s like every place that is supossed to give new season rewards is randomly giving it unbuffed from the prior seasons. It seems to have gotten worse after the hotfix yesterday.