Rescue Valithria Dreamwalker (ICC 25-man) Help

Anti-venom? You need those?

By the time whichever char has a “cleanse” goes to cast it, the poison is gone already.

Pretty sure the old ones still work if you have to have them on you.

Deep Sea Bandage heals her to full in ~3 uses. Just kill all the mobs between the cooldowns and youre good

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She is part of the meta achieve actually. Portal Jockey; you had to go through so many portals .

@op I’d just go ahead and skip her as a warrior

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Ok, it’s been a while, I thought we skipped her.

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Did you notice the meta is account-wide, as all the raid metas are? Send in a healer alt for those achievements. Once upon a time, you could clear to that fight on one toon, then share the raid lockout and send in the healer, but tbh any max level heal-capable dps caster can slaughter their way through even heroic to Valithria and then almost instantly win that fight with a few casts.

Confirmed: just “fought” my way to Valithria in ICC 25H on a mediocre-geared 110 elemental shaman and, after clearing the initial mobs, healed her to full in 4 GDCs with Healing Surge.

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You ever hear a wounded soldier on the battlefield cry out, “Tailor!”? I thought not.


Well it depends if its a blood elf soldier or not… :wink:


I know this is an old thread but I just did this fight and you can heal her with Concentrated Flame from your heart of Azeroth.


OMG, you’re my hero. Thank you!

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Thread MVP right here.

I know it’s an old thread but in case anyone else is having issues with bandages, use them before you engage any of the npcs. Just heal her and be done. Otherwise if you start the fight before you use a bandage you just get interrupted.

Get your HOA, there is a healing essence you can use.

The Crucible of Flame - Azerite Essence Power - World of Warcraft (

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Ask a buddy who has healing spells to step in for the fight. It usually takes a single full heal at this point.

I use my heart of Azeroth when I go in on my warrior. It’s convenient cause most of my speed gear is azerite gear.

The Glory meta achievements include the Portal Jockey achievement, which requires you to do the encounter while entering every portal (I did that with a healer alt and just healed her to full before any portals spawned).

In case anyone is looking for another solution, I completed dreamwalker solo as a warlock with the trinket below. It was about $1,100 gold on the auction house versus the pump gun suggested previously which was about $25,000 on my server. Just kill the adds, target dreamwalker and use the trinket. I did have to repeat a couple of times, but I believe it was user error.

Darkmoon deck: dance

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Here is a easy solution if you were a Draenei warrior you can just cast gift of the naaru on it and you win.