Reroll character LF guild in prep of Shadowlands

I’m coming back to the game after taking off almost all of BfA. Looking to either reroll as hunter, warlock, or mage. I’d ideally like to get really comfortable with the class to hit the ground running in SL for raiding and M+. Faction doesn’t matter to me as it will generally be about the people.

About me
I’m generally available anytime after 4-11pm EST on Mon-Thurs, and anytime after 4pm EST through the Sun. I come prepared for fights having watched videos, bring my own food / pots / flasks, and try to keep my gear updated as much as I can. Before I left, I would make sure I stayed active in the discord to keep up with changes and get feedback on ways to improve. Since I’ll be rolling a new class, I know there will be some learning involved, which is why I want to do it now (yes, I know SL will change things, but I at least will have a foundation to work against). I’m open to criticism and not hesitant to ask questions if I don’t understand to make sure I don’t hold the group back.

What I’m looking for
I’d say I’m looking for a semi-hardcore guild. My ultimate goal would be to get CE each tier, but not at the cost of having fun and realizing it’s the group that makes the game fun. Talking down to people or “moar dots” type of leading isn’t really going to do much for the group imo, but I also don’t mind a “hey, you are having an off night. Maybe sit this out, get right, and come back the next time” as we all have those moments. If the group is a weekend group, that’s a plus in my book.

If you feel like I could be a good fit, feel free to respond here, BT me at TTrain#1947, or discord Meridia#6509.

Sent you a BNET request (Sinnicks#1267).

Talked to a few people, but still looking to see if there is any other interest.

Hi! If you haven’t found a guild yet Epìtaph is currently recruiting for our raiding team and mythic plus runs!

We are on Draka/suramar and have a friendly bunch of players who enjoy seeing conent and pushing higher keys. The core group of us have played together for over 10 years. I think you may be a great fit for us!

Raid wise, we are 4/12 Heroic. We are accepting all classes but really need of dps and a healer. We raid Friday nights at 9pm est. In 8.3 we are planning on adding another day.

We run mythic dungeons daily and have a very active discord channel. Feel free to message me on battlenet at Alikona#11551 or discord Dem#5747 if you have any questions. <3<3

Hey, Menriq!

Cinder and Ash - Mal’ganis Horde has a few dps spots open and we could use your Hunter, Warlock, or Mage.

We raid Fri/Sat 7-10 Central for core, with an optional Th 7-10, and have M+ groups running throughout the week.

I’ll be honest in that my goal is not CE, but that’s mostly for the same reasons you mentioned. I want a strong team that works together and grows together. If we get there, great, but the team is my first priority. We’re currently 10/12H (with Carapace to .5%) and I’m just working to solidify the last few spots with solid team players before we move into Mythic.

Let me know if you have any questions :slight_smile:

bnet: ember#1670

BNet request sent.