Last time I will post something like this I apologize if its does not fit general discussion I am just curious and need to know I want trust level so bad lol.
See this topic: New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features - #7 by Mirasol-mannoroth
^This. There’s currently no way to see your trust level or progress on trust levels
Seems rather silly that you cant see your trust level or progress.
Also how do I like someones topic ???
Click the icon under their post.
Thank you i assume I am close to trust level 1 I already liked 30 people and think I been reading for 10 minutes.
I agree. Some way to track it would be nice
Here’s how.
- Click a toons name on their post
- If you want to check your own go to the avatar at top right
- This should take you to a page like this -
- Add .json on to the end
- Load that page.
- After “groups” search for “trust_level”
- The last “trust-level” is your effective trust level
Mine is Trust Level 3. Bornakk is Trust Level 4
Thanks for that info! Only been in the forums a few moments when I found your reply, using the info I am currently trust level 1.
Not too hard to earn trust
Definitely gonna remember your info for future reference!
I’m curious, did we arrive to the same solution coincidentally?
I ended up making a thread about this to link to instead of needing to repeating the same answer not seeing other resources.
I asked Wyoming Myst , the MVP who answers a lot of questions on the Overwatch forums about checking Trust Levels. The Overwatch forums had the new forums first so his advice was valuable.
I just needed to modify it a little after I realized how toon name and realm name worked in with WM’s method.
Not too hard to earn trust
No it is not, at all. Not until level 3.
Getting to Level 2 is going to require a little creativity on my part, though. You have to start at least 20 threads. I’m not normally a thread starter. I’m a big participant, just not a starter. Guess I’ll need to come out of my shell a little bit.
I’m not a thread starter either. I really don’t reply much also. I mainly lurk. Once in a blue moon I’ll reply. Over on the last forums, after having been around since mid BC, I maybe had 240 posts.
I’m not overly worried. It’ll probably take me 10years to get lvl 2 and beyond!
Getting to Level 2 is going to require a little creativity on my part, though. You have to start at least 20 threads. I’m not normally a thread starter. I’m a big participant, just not a starter. Guess I’ll need to come out of my shell a little bit.
I can certainly understand that. I start maybe a thread a month if that. I’m far more likely to chat in existing discussions. Luckily I don’t seem to need to grind trust level.