So is there a reason that characters level 60-69 cannot use the Valdrakken portal, Rostrum of Transformation or even Dragonride??? This appears to have happened after patch 10.2.7 dropped and not even a single Blue post acknowledging this issue.
I hadn’t heard of this issue until now, although I haven’t leveled any characters in quite a while.
Definitely sounds like a major bug though. Did you report it?
There are numerous threads on this in Bug Reports.
Ah, I don’t frequent that part of the forum really, so that would be why. Just often posts about bugs will make it over into general and I hadn’t heard about this one yet.
I just noticed today on my dk that’s leveling that I couldn’t change the drake appearances at all until level 70. I wondered when that changed. So, I guess it’s actually a bug good to know.
I’ll be 70 soon anyway, but it did seem like a strange change.
I definitely reported it as a bug but I am hoping it is not a feature that was added for TWW leveling.
i recently got a character from 59 to 60.
went to dragon isles at 59, got on my slitherdrake and it flapped around like a regular flight mount.
left DF went back to BfA dinged 60. went back to DF got on my slitherdrake and started dragonriding immediately.
this was last weekend so it may have changed by now.
I’m also hoping removal of the quest needed for levelers to go to Legion isn’t a “feature” either.
Come to think about it I did notice that at 60 than dragonriding wasn’t available. Though after a few quest in the dragon isles it became available, though I don’t have access to the dragon talent point system outside that one npc in waking shores.
I was really happy to see that it was still available through the npc as traveling with just 3 vigor and slow regeneration was killing me.
It’s almost like the account-wide achievement unlock for alts to immediately dragonride, use portals and have access to world quests at level 60 was disabled.
it is a new bug, happend to me also,
I could dragonride in Val on Knee but I had this Shadowlands tab instead of the Renown tab:
and although I can go through the portal to Stormwind, the one in SW tells me I need to be Level 70 to go back. The evidence suggests that the patch broke the 60-69ish bracket into thinking they were all still back in Shadowlands.
scratches small attractive head. I think its time for me to take the exit from this broken patch and play something not quite so broken to stop losing hair. Hopefully by the time the Remix launches all this bad stuff will be gone or else it will be an unmitigated disaster.
Oof that is a pretty bad bug… smh
Worked for my level 58-69 characters can use the portals just fine, before this new patch at least. Sounds like an addon issue or since the amount of bugs in the recent patch release could be bugging, haven’t tried the portal for those characters since the new patch release.