Requirement for Gnomer Pet Dungeon?

So what are the actual requirements to get the bread crumb quest from Tizzy Gearjolt? I have over 500 level 25 pets, I have all the quests for the previous pet dungeons, so what gives.

Do I need to be 120 to get the bread crumb quest? Is it for max level only? I planned on parking one of my 110’s down there to do the dungeon weekly.

Thanks all

Wowhead lists the quest as requiring player level 120. So yes, the Gnomeregan Pet Battle Dungeon is max level content in BFA.

I’m not sure what would happen if you pick up the quest on a 120, and try to complete the quest on a sub-120 alt.

You can find the bread crumb quest next to the pet shop in Boralus, right outside of Ruff Waters where a gnome will be sitting and offering the quest, then that tells you to go to Gnomergan. The quest is then right outside the normal instance portal and you talk to the questgiver to go inside. Hope that helps

I have gone to that gnome and she doesn’t offer any bread crumb quest. I have no access to the new pet battle dungeons. what am I missing. I have enough lvl 25 pets

What level toon are you checking on?

Have you completed the pet dungeons previous to the one you want the quest for?

Have you checked the pet shop in Dazar’alor to see if you can pick up the quest there?

I might be wrong, but you might have to complete Wailing Caverns and Deadmines first?

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I’ve cleared the Gnomeregan pet dungeon but have never even touched WC or DM. If those are a requirement it’s a recent change.

i compelted WC and DM, and cannot get this quest - what gives?

I completed WC and DM too, but Tizzy doesn’t offer the quest for me.