Required ilvl for mythic dungeons

What is the required ilvl for +0 ?

for puggin i would say 150-160ish
if running with a guild mates i think some players would not care

Theoretically 0 if you make your own group. Otherwise I’d suggest 160ish.

Ok because I keep getting declined from them. Quite discouraging.

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People are going to want 171 at least.

I can’t seem to get in to a +2 to save my neck, and I’m 173.

Thankfully, I have +2 key, but unfortunately it’s not in the dungeon I want.

I’ll try later today to get my +2 going.

For a +0, it’s easy to start your own, just pick a dungeon and start.

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Do Heroics drop those ilvls?

Those group leaders are just looking for easy runs or carries, that’s all. I still get declined for 0s sometimes and I’m in the 180s

Sad really. Ty for responding, everyone.

164 or whatever the requirement for heroics worked fine for me. I don’t know why so many people want you to actually outgear the content you are trying to clear.

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as a dps… people are going to take the highest they can find…
so if you have low ilvl… as dps… your odds of getting picked are practically zero

tank and healers have a lot more leeway…

as a 180+ tank, I get insta invites which is nice.

It depends entirely on the skill level of your tank/healer and their item level.

We went into M0’s at about 155 (the required ilvl for LFG heroics, incidentally), and we were fine. At 130-something, the damage was just too much. Once we hit the 150’s, we were doing just fine. So. Somewhere in there with healers and tanks who are on it and enough DPS to kill the bosses before the tank runs out of mitigation.

Week 1 it was 160. Its fair for everyone, you atleast full 158 with a few 171 from heroic. Not too much to ask.

But you know groups will ask for 200ilvl in a month.

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I was healing them around 153-ish. If people can do mechanics it’s not bad at all but if the group can’t do mechanics you’ll probably get the blame.

Healers can jump right in before they’re even Heroic dungeon geared. Tanks will need to be around 170ish to make incoming damage as smooth as possible. Generally, dps 160+ is fine as long as they know mechanics and can burn decently.

If you’re getting rejections from the group finder, build your own group and leave stingey people to their own content.

Well I made my own group and got them done. My ilvl is now 172.

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