Requesting QoL Improvement for Warlocks (TWW)

Being the only Warlock in a raid (Let’s say a mythic guild) is sort of taxing on the individual playing warlock.

the amount of prep it takes before each pull, is unproportionately more tedious compared to any other class, let’s break it down.

Starting off with the pre-raid, the warlock is expected to get to the raid earlier then everyone, and drop summoning stones for 30 minutes straight while everyone logs in late, usually have to drop atleast 4 summoning stones to get everyone in.

Now during the actual raid is where could see the most quality of life improvements,
So the typical prepull consist of…

hard casting summon pet (so fel domination doesnt go on cd),
then eating the food buff,
then soul stone on the healer,
then drop healthstones (every pull because somoene always needs it each pull because they dont grab it when I drop it the pull before),
then need to run across the map to pre-place a demonic gateway (think of jailer mythic) . then run back in time for the countdown.

In a mythic guild where we are wiping on a progression boss 10-300 times, This is quite taxing on the warlock . I don’t think any other class has it as bad.

What I am requesting is just some quality of life improvements that can relieve us a little bit, In top priority I would ask this.

1. Demonic Gateway (Last for 1 Hour, or Untill the warlock leaves the raid, or resummons it)
2. Healthstones - 10 Charges while dropped in raid (Think Potion Cauldron)
3. Make Fel Domination CD reset when the boss is pulled
4. Summoning Stone - Last for 15 Minutes.

I don’t know if anything could be done about soul stone, but if you could help with the first 3 It would make each pull much less taxing on the warlock in preperation.

Thank you for reading, and hopefully you will consider it team blizz.


Honestly, the only QoL we need is shorter casts on pet summons. 6 secs is archaic.


Didn’t they increase the summons and then give us Fel Domination? lmao.
How about you just make it a 2sec cast and turn Fel Domination into something fun…?

That’s exactly what they did.