Requesting Opinions On Multiboxers

I was recently told that my opinions don’t represent the general community. As such i am asking you all what you think about multiboxers.

The general community doesn’t like multiboxers, to the point of being spiteful. Generally speaking no sympathy exists for the playstyle, and if one is banned/accused of botting most people would say they deserve it.

I think there are multiboxing PvPers to take griefing to a whole new level and that is inappropriate, but in every other aspect I am indifferent.

The concept of multiboxing itself is very interesting to me. It was fun to learn how to do it when using the software was legal.

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Meh, neutral on them… But I see why a lot of people Can’t stand them

I’m neutral but can’t deny that they get massive advantages (more materials from nodes, more loot, more chances of survival against monsters or players) over normal single account players.

The community generally loves and adores them, as do I. They’re just so cute. This is hereby renamed the Multiboxers Appreciation Thread. :heart_eyes:

If they want to spend their time and money getting the most virtual pebbles, so be it! I don’t care about them.


I don’t see why I should care how some other player I’ve never met nor ever likely to meet, is using their game time.

Case in point, I don’t know any of you in this post – and I don’t care how you use your game time. Do what makes you happy!


This forum hates on every category of player that doesn’t just faceroll on their keyboards killing murlocs 20 minutes a week while spending the rest of their free time complaining on the forums about how bad raiders/pvpers/multiboxers/basically anyone that does anything for an edge or seriously

P2W economic and pvp exploitation at worst.

Forum whiners sad about their BS finally being actionable at worst.

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I used to dislike them, but I’m neutral about it now. Most people are actually against botting, though.


Just my opinion


me no happy

Multiboxers are fine, bots are not.

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I didn’t used to take issue with them back in vanilla/tbc era, but as of late they have become more sophisticated and way too lucrative. I don’t think it is beneficial to the game to let them continue at this point.


not a fan. Multiboxers are that one kid who would give you a broken controller if he thought it would help him win. They pay to win and typically ruin the experience of other players around them.

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They’re better than botters but I’m not a fan.


The botting is a exploiting for profit I think that’s horrible

The multi boxing done for fun, I’ve never been bothered by.

I rarely see any of this personally, but crazy bots interfering with normal players and professional gold farmers, should be banned.

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They have made me hate druids more than any other class in the game that is for sure.


i rate them below bg afkers, rage quitters, whisper harassers, and the guys that get liquored up and rant in gen chat

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Yeah. For me like, if some guy wants to make a 5 man box team to do dungeons by himself that seems fine, but botting (obv) or using it to control an area’s resources entirely I am not a fan of. It has gotten too powerful.