Requesting Dragonmaw Skins as an Orc Customization

With several of the other races are getting different tribe/clan options as skins (Sandfury, Wildhammer, etc), I wanted to request/suggest that the Dragonmaw be made available as a skin option in Shadowlands. They’re quite neat-looking with the glowing yellow eyes and have a fairly distinct skin tone, so I think they would be a fun/distinct addition.


I had a completely different vision in my head when I clicked on this.

Agreed. I would love to see Dragonmaw clan get some love. Sure, they are kind of garbage, and betrayed the horde twice (Followed Garrosh, Helped Iron Horde)…but hey, so did the forsaken! AND WE HAD A WHOLE EXPANSION FIGHTING THE MAGHAR!..Plus, they have a cool, distinct visual style that i think would look great and give our OG orcs some appeal.

didn’t they betray the horde and basically joined the iron horde when garrosh went nuts?

And then rejoined the Horde after Garrosh lost. Their “leader” shows up in Legion when you got the 2nd PvP skin and there’s that big ceremony for you in UC.

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agree now with blood elfs and void elfs getting this love we should get it too for orcs