Request to Add Passenger Riding NPC for Dragon Riding Mounts in Pandaria Remix

Hello Blizzard Team,

First, I’d like to express my excitement and gratitude for the new Pandaria Remix game mode. Revisiting Mists of Pandaria with the introduction of dragon riding has been an incredible experience. However, I and many others in the community have noticed a missing feature that would greatly enhance our enjoyment: the ability to carry passengers on our dragon riding mounts.

In the current Dragonflight expansion, we have the option to enable a friend or significant other to join us on our dragon riding mounts through an NPC. This feature has been a wonderful addition, allowing us to share the adventure and excitement with others. Unfortunately, this NPC is not available in the Pandaria Remix game mode, and it is a feature that we deeply miss.

We understand that implementing such a feature might require additional development, but we truly believe it would be worth the effort. It would be a fantastic addition that many players would deeply appreciate.

Please consider our request to add the NPC or a similar mechanism that allows us to enable passenger riding for our dragon riding mounts in Pandaria Remix. Your attention to this matter and any updates you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


That’s already there. Once you get to the first village, go through the Dragonflight tutorial stuff and an NPC in there will show you how to turn on passenger riding.


why not in the major cities?

What major cities? You’re locked to Pandaria. It takes a minute or two to get to that NPC.


well the shrines are considered the major city for each faction and they added a rostrum there so why couldnt they just plop the npc over there

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This kinda feels like complaining to complain at this point. The NPC is there. It’s less than 2 minutes to get there. Go talk to the NPC and be happy.


I thought this is what GD Forums were all about?

The nice thing is that, at least THUS FAR in TWW, it’s a setting that you can flip yourself without having to talk to an NPC.

I’d rather have a barbershop, I mean I might have missed it but I have yet to find one in all of Pandaria and maybe I want to change my new character/characters hair, skintone, etc.

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It’s at the shrine of two moons to the right of the main entrance before entering.

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Thanks for that and what about other side, if you know?

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The Alliance one? I don’t know.

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Well it has to be there somewhere if there’s one in Horde one so thank you and I’ll look around when I log back on this afternoon.

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Both horde and alliance have one in the shrine homes, look for the big circle that lets you customize your DF mounts just outside on the upper platform, there’s a barber chair next to it

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