[Request] Please Make Rare Gems available for JP/Runestones

We’re seeing the full blown impact of GDKP wealth hoarding and what not in the gem market.

On Arugal, Inferno Rubies are fast approaching 700g which is absurd, even for me who is a JC and has no gold issues.

Now, some prick will say “you should have prepared better” but like… players are playing just for this phase and don’t have the capital to deal with that. These prices will be like this for a while while epic gems are limited.

EDIT: And yes, this does impact the gameplay experience negatively. We’re seeing many folks queue into Twilights without gemming their gear - which would be kind of ok if their item level was up to snuff or they followed mechanics/knew how to play their class at a reasonable level.

Unfortunately, pugs do not always do this. We had a tank in some epics and 0 enchants/gems get globalled during a Beauty fear in BRC and he refused to fix the issue after 3 wipes.

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Sigh… this has nothing to do with GDKP.

This has entirely to do with supply and demand.

With the introduction of the LFR gear you have everyone who is playing kitting out their characters in entirely new gear. Even if they were in T12 BiS. That requires dozens of gems. Guess what happens when hundreds of thousands of players are all trying to upgrade gear at the exact same moment? The price of gems sky rocket.

This is basic economics… and yes this is an issue for those who didn’t prepare. Because Just a week ago. Gems were half the price they are now. Two weeks ago the gems were a quarter of the price they are now.


This is capitalisms 101. Apply it to in game.

We knew before Firelands what would happen in Dragon Soul as far as gems went. The smart ones farmed their dailies to get the recipes, bought all the mats, flasks, food, enchants, etc to get them through the hard times. All these things got increased because of the patch.

What are the hard times in WoW. Patch days. Supply and demand go through the roof. Like they do every patch. This one was gonna be the worst in the expansion due to the nature of the gems and how to obtain them. Happens with everything, not just gems. Gems just got their biggest and only significant upgrade on this particular patch.

Once they announce LFR was not going to happen, gems got even more scarce. And that was our warning. Some just don’t prepare, even with proper time.

Those who prepared, bought all the enchants for all their upgrades a while ago, got all their flasks, food, extra gems while they acquire the epic ones. Just take this learning lesson into MoP. It’ll happen again, but you have the knowledge now to combat it and survive. We put in the work months ago so we didn’t have to today.


I mean yeah prepare better, everyone should know that the start of the phase consumes, enchants and gems get more expensive (especially so with LFR gear). It happened in Classic, TBC and WotLK so why wouldn’t it happen in Cataclysm? It’s simple supply and demand and has nothing to do with GDKP’s.

I don’t think enchants would’ve made much a difference there, gems sure but Solid Ocean Sapphires aren’t even expensive they’re only 35g hardly the near 700g of Inferno Rubies.

Elementium ore is already on the JP vendor, you can prospect/sell the ore and use/sell/buy the gems obtained not as good as straight up buying the gems but it’s fine.

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I’ve heard your arguments in trade/lfg chat from people who played the game non-stop since phase 1 and stockpiled millions of gold worth of mats.

I don’t care for them. I don’t care that players had multiple phases to prep. I did - and I’m in a very good position, and this issue impacts me the least.

700g for inferno rubies is unreasonable and demand is mostly created by raiders who have been playing week in-week out, who have 3+ alts who all run GDKPs so they can just continue to buy at that price. Hence, this is a symptom of GDKPs

Combined with increased Tier 13 acquisition due to the LFR removal and placing them on farmable bosses/vendors, it creates a vortex of demand that’s impossible to keep up. Even with Ore on the JP vendor, the rate of acquistion - with everyone spamming H++ - is still very low and prices are being driven up.

To be clear I am one of those players. I was on 4 H FL clears each week. I can afford these.

Objectively, 700g per inferno ruby is unreasonable. It’s creating a situation where new and returning players are not enchanting or gemming their gear due to the steep costs leading to lower quality characters in 5-mans.

A rising tide floats all ships - I’d much rather cheap rare gems and better quality characters overall in my dungeons than being able to make hundreds of thousands of gold on the AH. It makes my runs better. It makes your runs better.

Gold is inflated and almost meaningless now for those who have it, and a huge inhibitor for those who don’t which impacts new/returning players the most.

right now i made like 40k selling gems and i barly doing it if they will pay then cant help it

I’d also like to add - There’s no arguments any of you can make to me that this wouldn’t be a better overall change for the influx of players coming to play Cata classic.

This is not a debate - none of you will convince me otherwise because smarter players have already discussed it and I’ve read their comments. I won’t entertain a back and forth beyond what I’ve posted.

Just because some of you think “it’s fine” doesn’t mean it is.

This thread was to appeal to the dev team who are open to feedback/requests, and the forums are the way to do that.

Once again. It has nothing to do with GDKPs. It isn’t a symptom of GDKPs it is a symptom of a Phase release. This happens in version of the game where GDKPs do not happen.

The demand went up. The price went up to match the demand. The only way for the price to go down is either for supply to go up or for demand to go down.

That is it. No amount of GDKP hate is going to make this an issue of GDKP.

No, they aren’t enchanting or gemming their gear because they are lazy, and they are using the excuse of Inferno Rubies being expensive not to do it.

Not only could they use hybrid gems that are a fraction of the price. They could also use uncommon quality gems that are also a fraction of the price. As a perfect cut uncommon gem that has only 5 less stat points are 1/4 the cost of their rare counterparts. The regular uncommon cuts that are 10 less stat points are anywhere from 1/6-1/8 the cost of their rare counterparts.

As for enchants. The cost for them remains untouched. They haven’t gone up or down.

There is no excuse to be unenchanted and ungemmed while stepping into twilight dungeons.

Ultimately… 700g per inferno ruby is not unreasonable 2 days after 51k raiders are all getting new equipment. Nor would making them purchasable directly (They are purchasable indirectly) for JP or Runestone change their cost. All it would do is further enrich those who prepared and those who are willing to farm.

Ah yes, these “smarter” players that think a capped currency is meaningfully going to impact the current situation. A situation that exists because players choose not to prepare and prefer not to farm things themselves.


For my alt, I just fully gemmed out with the Topaz.

Yes, haste is not as good as int, but I’ll take that on an alt where they’re only 30-45g each.

how bout epic gems costing 10k gold

I overhauled gear one one char and needed 9 inferno rubies for all the red slots. This tier’s gear is jam packed with gem slots and everyone is getting them at once. What do you expect? Someone to have a private stash of gems ready for you?

You wanna be the first to have it, you’re gonna pay a premium price for it. Simple economics

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i just know right now on whitemane ore is at like 10gold + red gems are like 3oo to 4oo and i dont know why but even tho i know buying 1k ore will still make me gold at 10gold per from prospecting its just i cant buy it my brain say you know ul make gold off it but my heart says ur not realy going to buy for 10gold + per ore

Yep, Anyone who didn’t see that coming is either very new or has a bad memory about mmos work.

There is no charity first weeks of new gear drop.

Even for the “decent” folk they’ll see that 10k, charge 9k. And not care if a real player or the dude posting 10k gets to to keep their angle in play. The just wanted the 9k. It will move fast, all good.

Even in Anniv day 1 people had a plan. Operation black lotus. It’s working for them now lol.

I just got 2nd best gems. I did not get when cheaper. I own that. Anniv. Distracted me lol. Still fine for the farming I do, I’ll get that gold back in time. It takes money to make money.

Sounds like you should have prepared slightly better I bought up a whole bunch of elementary more and I’ve been hoarding it I bought it months ago for 40 gold a stack, move it over to a bank tone filled up his bank as well as all seven 20 slot bags I’ve now prospected it and I’m solely selling it off because I don’t want to saturate the market sounds like a you problem

Also I run my main and two rating alts none of them in a GDKP as far as the prices now mine aren’t at 700G over on Atiesh but I’m getting about 500g for them and I’m absolutely loving these good times

oh look another thinly veiled gdkp’s bad thread pretending to be about gems, haven’t seen this before