Request for Assistance: Guild Transfer Issue Due to Service Retirement

Hello Blizzard Team and fellow players,

I am reaching out to address an urgent issue regarding the transfer of my original guild to my current server. This guild holds immense sentimental value and has a long history, with numerous achievements, guild bank tabs, and it was leveled to max back when guilds could level.

Recently, I discovered that the Guild Realm Transfer service has been retired as of July 22, 2024. This change was not adequately communicated, leaving me and likely many other dedicated players in a difficult situation. The sudden retirement of this service is frustrating and seems unfair to those of us who have invested years into building and maintaining our guilds.

I would like to request that Blizzard consider reinstating the Guild Realm Transfer service or provide an alternative solution for players in my situation. My guild’s progress and legacy should not be lost due to a lack of communication regarding service changes.

Additionally, if I disband the new guild I created on my current server, will the name I used for it become available again? I want to ensure that my original guild can retain its name after the transfer.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope we can find a resolution that supports the long-time loyal players of World of Warcraft.

Pretty sure you’re SoL here.

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Just because you didn’t catch the communication doesn’t mean it wasn’t communicated. You also aren’t in any kind of difficulty situation and aren’t out anything. Your guild is cross realm now so I dunno what you are even on about in the first place. You can leave it hosted wherever it is and people can apply to it. If anything, Blizzard saved you and these “long-time loyal customers” money.

But yeah…fat chance on thinking you’re going to get them to revert since a fundamental architectural change to the codebase.


The gm of the guild has to remain on the server and faction the guild was created on

hostile to op for 0 reason chill man

So make a placeholder toon and promote it to GM. Your server also doesn’t matter since everything is cross realm too.

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Or alternatively make gm eligibility faction/server agnostic since they took our ability to change that away /shrug

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I’m not going to lose sleep if they do it that way. I’m also just not going to hold my breath for it either especially since the placeholder toon is very easy. Even my old Horde guild I have safety ranks built into it so I literally never have to fear losing it to someone. Last I recall, only the first 3 ranks can “steal” an inactive guild so I made 5 ranks and slapped everyone except my alts down to the bottom rank

you all of a sudden decided to transfer a guild 4 days after they make a change - when you could have transferred it before?

The change was posted here almost a month in advanced I believe. You had more than enough time to see it, make the change, and do it before the service went away. I wasn’t just posted here, it was on Wowhead, it was on the blizzard launcher, granted you needed to scroll a bit to see it. There is no lack of communication there. Sorry, but you’re SoL, and they aren’t gonna change their choice for that one random guy on some random server.

While I agree with most that this ain’t a big loss (to most), what if he is an Oceanic player and needs to move back etc?

Now I’m not saying you can’t play with ping but if you physically have moved, it would be nice to able to do the same with a toons guild (yes you could make an unused level 1 toon GM but maybe they don’t want to do that)

So, it may have been posted, but I am a returning player. The game has been really bad for the past few expansions. I tried to come back for Dragonflight, but all I got was Sailor Moon-style storytelling with the power of love and friendship. Not saying that kind of storytelling doesn’t have its place—in Sailor Moon, it works great, as it’s one of my favorite anime shows—but I don’t want that in World of Warcraft. So I left, waiting for The World Soul Saga.

I came back a little early because of the MoP Remix, just four days before this pre-patch launched. So, no, I had no idea that Guild Transfers were going away. The only reason I am coming back at all is because my King called me back. King Varian Wrynn (Chris Metzen) said it was time to come home.

As another person mentioned, I don’t want the GM of my guild to be on this realm or even the faction they are on. I need a way to fix this.

This both makes sense and doesn’t make sense at the same time.

On one hand, I would imagine that most people saw the guild services announcement, connected it to cross-server guilds and thought that the purpose of removing them was related to that and that you’d be able to just transfer the guild to someone else of any faction on any server.

On the other hand, guild names have historically been unique to a server and the guild service facilitated a name change if the name was taken on the new server.

Being able to simply transfer ownership to a new server by making someone else the GM would require introducing a free way to do guild name changes to keep guilds unique. Unless they somehow tagged a guild with the original server it was from…at that point they might as well go the way discord used to of having guild names appended with a suffix # and a bunch of numbers.

I’m not sure how they dig themselves out of this one but I also don’t know that they plan too. The unfortunate thing is there is a cumbersome but functional solution right now with regard to just having the GM be a mule on the original server.

Well, if they can’t bring back the Guild Realm Transfer or the Guild Realm and Faction Transfer, maybe they can make it so guild ownership can be transferred to other people across realms. That way, the guild could be moved to a different realm, provided the name is available.

So have a friend transfer it to an alt. If you don’t have friends, pay for a month on a second account and use that to do the above.

This was first announced June 20th. That’s a full month prior to retirement. Sounds like plenty of time.

Even posted on X (Twitter) back in June.

With that much time since announcement, I don’t think they’re going to reverse it on the claim that it wasn’t communicated properly.


With Guilds being Cross Realm now does it even matter where the home server of the Guild is?

Things happen while you’re away… they communicated this change a full month before it would happen. That’s on you for not checking the news… were you expecting a personal email or something? No business runs like that; if you don’t pay attention to announcements, they owe you nothing.

Make a placeholder toon if the current GM toon is one you don’t want to leave on the current server and in the current faction. You didn’t lose anything as guild transfer were retired because they no longer make sense when they implemented cross-realm guilds; just use the workarounds available.

Wait can this work if I transfer my GM character would that move the guild with him?

No it’ll say you need to pass gm

Got this reply from a GM not sure I 100% understand what he means… Greetings Legendary Warrior Kevin,

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment, This is Game master Adruduzect, and I’ll be the one assisting you today.

After checking and investigating, Kindly note that in the War Within since some guild services has been stopped, your realm should be accesable across realms, meaning that you should be able to transfer your character, and keep the guild leadership normally.

I hope you have a great day and I wish you all the best.

Best regards.
GM Adruduzect.