Request: Bring Back GDKP for Phase 3 (4 now)

When players have hundreds/thousands more gold than should be feasible in the casual crowd. All the GDKPers who say, “I don’t have time to raid so GDKP is great” even though they are in fact raiding on a set day at a set time. Nobody wants to that hypocrisy thrown in their face though because it’ll expose them.

My goal in GDKPs is to earn gold and spend it on gear for myself in those GDKPs which I will participate in at any given time or day as I wish. I want to end my GDKP raiding experience with gear and the same amoutn of gold I started with, and that’s what I get out of GDKPs.

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They are used to launder gold per Blizzard’s own post verifying this. If you want to dispute that, go dispute it with Blizzard. As I have said, I had a guild member who was spending absurd amounts of money to GDKP on alts and that was where most of his gold went. The transactions you speak of are small amounts and may not even sell. I agree it isn’t right, but you are handwaving away huge dumps of gold and trying to point to a few silver/copper a transaction. I’m fine with more limits on the AH.

You’re not arguing in good faith anymore. You’re just trying to whataboutism the topic of the thread. Please stop trying to direct the conversation elsewhere. Create your own thread on the AH issue and debate that there.


That has literally nothing to do with what I said or what I asked.

I’m not sure what else I can say to explain where the gold is actually laundered, and not have these AH transactions belittled to copper or silver when I’ve spent tens of thousands of gold in SoD purchasing these mats from the bots.

You asked what damage is done. I said that people shouldn’t have as much gold as they do since it is purchased gold. They have that gold because of the gold involved in GDKP. That gold makes its way into other places and causes the economy to spiral. There’s a reason why “printing more money” isn’t a solution to a crisis of money. It devalues it.

I don’t necessarily agree with a 1 time ban offense, but anything to get the RMT people out isn’t bad imo.

I mean the inflation thing is a meme.

Buying a sword in a gdkp doesn’t raise the cost of anything on the AH, supply and demand dictate those prices.

My server for this toon has been around since classic first launched and gdkps have been running non stop.

Yet raid consumes are 6-8g/ea. Where’s the inflation??

Now banning bots would cause inflation since they directly are the supply to a large degree.

You guys use words like “launder” but blizzard can literally track back to when you got the gold originally.

Oh look a person just acquired 5000+ gold from a mailbox or the AH or a random guild bank, auto flag the account and let a GM investigate.

You’re all making excuses for a multi penny company and letting them gaslight and take the easy way out by just banning a loot method.

Blizzard ain’t hiring GMs, that’s the issue

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Typical. There is no talking to people like you, even when the proof is right before your eyes you deny, deny, deny, and then accuse others when you’re clearly wrong. Hope you grow up one day. :smiley:

GDKP’s killed a part of the game. The gold is over the content and actual playing for the gear. Made gold have too much power in players hands. its not fair overall, peoples pockets got bigger just doing the content for them. Its made the game an service for everyone and removing the needs for guilds and a real community for the game content

Lower skilled players did this.

Pugging is terrible without gdkps.

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Again, would love to stay away from statements such as “Blizz said this, they verified it, so it must be true”

No, the side of GDKPS loss their way to pay to win for gear
welcome to playing the game.

The cost of items goes down when there is more supply and less demand. Just like undocumented workers this is a way that prices stay low. However, in a video game setting where you can go gather these things actively, you are being beaten to the punch by a bot which means you will then turn around and pay the bot for the item off the AH as Yiroo is saying.

Buying something in a GDKP and having a bunch of gold spread out means that more people are going to buy the item and the prices will raise because people will pay the prices since they can. It creates an arms race of cost versus available money. If the average player had ~100g (just using an easy number here), they would be less likely to spend money on the higher prices of items in the AH because it would be unwise to offload that kind of gold. If suddenly everyone wasn’t able to afford the high prices, the sellers (bots/real players) would then in turn need to lower their prices to a point they are selling again. If you have 100,000 gold and prices were where they were, you wouldn’t blink at spending 5-15g on raid mats because who cares?

While Blizzard can and does track that, there is no guarantee that every single person will be caught up in the ban waves. The people who slip through go on and the others create new accounts or take a WOW vacation.

Throwing more people at the problem doesn’t get rid of the underlying problem. If you have no reason to spend a thousand gold on an item, why would you buy the gold in the first place?

You can wish in one hand friend, but again if you want to dispute it, bring it up with Blizzard. You have absolutely no evidence to the contrary whatsoever. The burden of proof is on you to disprove Blizzard’s statement.

“A claim without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”

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F*************** No. I said I said I said — f*************** no.

Yeah sorry that’s just not how it works.

If I use two elixir of agilities every raid I’m going to use them whether I have 100 gold or 5 million gold I’m not buying more because I have more gold when the amount I’m using stays the exact same.

You’re just wrong

Congrats on being the outlier then. People will skip raid mats when they are too expensive. They get expensive because people who have more gold than they know what to do with, buy it all up when they want without a single thought.

One thing I think Blizzard should consider bringing back that would help combat this is cauldrons and feasts. They work really well and allow the burden to be put elsewhere instead of each individual person. Also, the elixir/flask nerfs. Those did wonders.

GDKPs are toxic, terrible concept, has been a sore on the WoW community ever since their inception. They’re a gold buyers luxury, something for RMT andies who suck too much to get a real group or guild to run with. All it does is turn WoW into ultra-PayToWin garbage. It has no place in classic and is one of the things that ruined Classic, besides world buffs. It totally strips the game of it’s soul and rewards bad behavior. Vanilla back in the day never had any true GDKP runs like we see them today. Perhaps someone paying to join a guild on a run to buy one specific item, but not entire carry runs to sell people all the gear. It’s dumb, no thanks. Glad its gone.


If you want to use claims and statements as fact from a company where their #1 goal is monetary, why bother debating?

LOL wow you are seething buddy

go touch grass