Request any information about the original development history of the raid "Blackwing Lair"

Hello, WoW community,

This is Siyanati (the person who created the New Forum Guide when the WoW forums switch to the new forum platform). Many of you better know me under my overall BattleTag, WyomingMyst and as one of the MVPs in the Overwatch forums. Well, I could use your guys’ knowledge about some early WoW development history.

I am working on a personal project to recollect past developer posts about Overwatch and stumbled on a usual post back in 2016 from Overwatch Game Director Jeff Kaplan (who, as we all know, spent many years help developing World of Warcraft). This thread appeared to be a huge Q&A Jeff was participating at the time and he made a curious comment about the existence of Public Test Realms/Regions.

So I am curious what exactly happened with that raid? Was it crazy tough, was it buggy? From what I can read on Wowhead, this sounds like a daunting raid in all respects so any trivia or history you guys had about it would be nice to hear. Thank you for your time everyone!