Request and proposal: resolution for Zandalar Tribe reputation

The Zandalar Tribe faction used to be associated with the classic Zul’Gurub raid. When this raid was removed in Cataclysm and replaced with updated dungeons, it became impossible to continue progressing with the reputation. Like many who played casually during Wrath, I had a modicum of Zandalar Tribe reputation, but I never got close to exalted, meaning the reputation now sits partially-filled in my log forever.

I understand there are no gameplay ramifications. But for an RPG player and slightly neurotic completionist, it feels bad to be teased with unavailable content. Especially since I’m considering changing my DK to Zandalari in Shadowlands - but without the ability to reconcile myself with Zandalari ancestors in Stranglethorn Vale.

Therefore, in order to address this cognitive dissonance, I’d like to propose a few options for resolution:

1. Add reputation to quests in STV so players can get exalted with Zandalar Tribe. This is what was done for Magram and Gelkis centaur in Desolace. I imagine this would be pretty simple to implement. The main downside is it may cheapen the reward by making it too easy.

2. Add Zandalar Tribe reputation to the Cataclysm dungeons Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman. This may be a bit odd, since I think we’re technically fighting against the Zandalar Tribe in the new versions of the dungeons, but it would provide a way to work towards the reputation similar to the original version of the raid.

3. Use the Shadowlands feature of “Chromie time” to somehow bring back the original Zul’Gurub raid. Having the option to revisit this classic instance would provide nice nostalgia for older players. Many lament the fact that it was removed in the first place. That said, I imagine this would be a bit more challenging to implement.

4. Failing all else, simply remove the reputation from the game. Players who already got it can keep their Feat of Strength. For the rest of us, it serves no purpose.

For other players in a similar situation as I, I’m curious what you think. Do you have other proposals? And for the few players who got exalted with Zandalar Tribe before Cataclysm, what would be the best compromise, so as not to cheapen your accomplishment?


I’m in the same boat as you - forever stuck at revered :sob:

Just imho, completing content only available for a certain amount of time does give a certain sense of satisfaction. Restored content would feel a little cheapened to me I guess? I don’t know, just my take. Unfortunately I’m on the wrong side of the Zandalar Tribe rep, but I guess even still I’d want to keep it as is. I think if I had to choose out of those 4 proposals, I’d probably go with #4. At least it would clean up one of my incomplete rep bars :rofl:

Thanks for sharing your $0.02. I definitely agree that there’s always a balance between making content more accessible (yet potentially less meaningful) vs. more exclusive and challenging (with a greater sense of accomplishment). In this particular case, however, it’s not really a question of skill (like other exclusive content which has since been removed, such as mage tower artifact appearances or now-unobtainable raid tier or PvP season feats of strength, mounts, and transmogs). Instead, it’s just a question of whether you played before Cataclysm and ran the raid enough before it was removed. Therefore, I’m not sure if making the reputation obtainable again would undermine any sense of accomplishment from those who already have it.

But I’d be happy to hear more perspectives, especially from those who did get exalted before it was removed.

I have exalted with that faction because I raided regularly in Vanilla, and did all the quests. There is nothing special about it, and I don’t get any sense of “leetness” because of that.

Therefor, I have no problem at all with this suggestion, and in fact encourage Blizzard to allow ways for people to get rep with these outdated factions. It harms nobody.

While they are at it they can make it just a wee bit easier to get Black Prince rep, and I did that one the hard way.

I am strongly against removing content from the game.


Really helpful to hear from someone who did complete the Zandalar Tribe reputation before it was removed. Thanks for sharing. I definitely share your outlook that it’s frustrating when content is removed from the game. Hopefully Blizzard would consider un-removing it.

I did Black Prince back in Mists when it was current, but I agree that the method to gain rep nowadays is ridiculously slow and annoying. It would be nice to see that one improved too.

Why single out this one particular rep?

What about Shen’dralar?
What about Bizmo’s Brawlpub (Season 2)?

Impossible reputations to get to Exalted if you have not yet done it.


Great callouts, Jugeum. The Brawler’s Guild ones are more like expansion-long seasons, so I don’t know about bringing that back (though I can definitely empathize with you on the pain of having it incomplete on your list!). I’d definitely be in favor of bringing back other impossible reps such as Shen’dralar, though. Or, as previously mentioned, simply remove Zandalar Tribe and Shen’dralar, since it’s impossible to gain rep with them anymore. Those who got exalted can still take pride in their Feat of Strength.

This also applies to Shang Xi’s Academy on my Pandaren (though this one doesn’t cause any regret, since it’s always been impossible - it’s just a bit annoying).

Also your rep game is top notch, Jugeum.