REQUEST: Advance notice of leveling nerfs

exactly, Blizzard has no clue what they’re doing so how can they warn us when they haven’t got a clue what they’ll do next either?

Also, catch up mechanics are for failures. MMO’s should never have them.

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nah, risk vs reward now baby.

Why do so many people jump to accusing others of bad intentions? I am not, and nowhere did I indicate, that I wanted to exploit anything. Please take the time to read. In my case, it was the WSG marks. I also ALMOST farmed a bunch of supply crates, and I’m glad I didn’t.


Aggrend already announced the turins aren’t going to work in phase 3.

Consider yourself notified.

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Shocking another wow forum post crying about a non issue. Youll get over this atrocity little tyke i promise

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This is season of discover, not season of knowledge.

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LOL! That remark was pure gold…

Nothing done in phase 2 should give you experience for phase 3. Why is everyone in such a rush to get to max lvl always? Is it that big a deal if you get there 1-2 days later?

Hes not exploiting anything

He wasnt talking about those. He was tlaking about the 20 that you could have in your bag. We knew the mailbox restore item was gettin taken away for the marks. Maybe learn to read?

Are we going to be able to use those consumes that grant rested xp at the start of phase three? The ones you get from the sleeping bag quest

Sleeping bag food won’t work after 40.

The point of WSG marks is 33-33-33 Rep-Honor-Exp, making it 50-50 Rep-Honor was W move. (Numbers for reward differentials not actual reward values yes I know how much rep and honor they literally give) - f$#k the exploiters lmao get rekt.

They aren’t going to disable your quest log because you prequested doing quests above your level, or because you presently don’t get exp. They aren’t going to wipe your quest history and reset your log.

Don’t do some crazy hair brained exp farm exploit some YouTuber calculated out and just play the damn game.

I would just assume they’re not interested in letting players game and cheat the system. Play like a normal person and there’s nothing to worry about.


The mount price going up really caught my off guard. Should not happen or at least not without letting us know beforehand.

Lol truuuuuu

Go away and stop complaining and be lucky you get anything from Activision. At least the game is fun right now

I don’t think advance notice is possible since Blizzard probably doesn’t even know. There does not seem to be much advanced planning when it comes to nerfs/buffs.

  1. Give us advance notice and/or include level restrictions on tooltips.

  2. Disable xp gains for infinitely repeatable quests.

  3. WSG tokens in mailbox were warned about well in advance, but ALL WSG tokens not giving xp was very little notice.

  4. Using knowledge/strategy/execution to get ahead of people who don’t use these things is fun–this is the essence of competition. Racing/marathoning to level cap is a form of competition even if you don’t think so. It isn’t necessarily about getting to do endgame content before other people–it’s about the marathon itself. Being able to type /who and only see a handful of others in your level bracket, knowing all your prep is paying off. Any last minute changes can be impactful and have the potential to nullify hours of preparation, so it’s best to minimize this.

Just play the game as it is and you’ll be fine.

Advance notice:

Pre-Questing will be fine. (This includes holding onto an item that starts a quest and not activating it until a pre-quest slot is opened up.)

All insta turn in XP is questionable at best.
(Except Cloth, because the exchange is atrocious)