REQUEST: Advance notice of leveling nerfs

Leading up to Phase 3, it would be appreciated if the dev team could give sufficient notice of any planned buffs/nerfs that involve the leveling process. For example, just a few days before Phase 2, players found out that WSG marks would give ZERO experience. Not just the ones that were hoarded in mailboxes/item restoration (reasonable case that that’s exploitation)…ALL marks. I didn’t see how it was fair to prevent players who had the 20 (18, realistically) ready for a simple 6 turn-ins.

With vague language recently from EU Blue Post about experience changes (the one about 1-39 buff that also mentions looking at changes for Phase 3 leveling), it makes me fear that efforts to prepare could be made useless/obsolete 2-3 days before it launches.

For example, if I go fill my quest log with the 20 best quests now, will one of the undisclosed changes be to no longer allow saving a full quest log for experience? Or what if people go get the sleeping bag on every alt and save the food that gives rested experience, only to have it snatched away at the last minute (e.g., “only works up to level 40”)?

I think it’s just a minor courtesy to tell people these things BEFORE they go through the time and effort of doing stuff to prepare.


Stop trying to exploit the system to get done faster…


The OP is simply asking for clarification ahead of time…which is a very fair ask.


This assumes they know that far in advance.


I only had 18 marks ready. You can see in parentheses I said it was reasonable to turn off the mailbox/restoration ones.


It is fair.

But the examples given were examples were all examples of being given advanced notice.

How soon in advance are we talking?

We already know the Tanaris Water Pouch turn in won’t award xp incase you were thinking of farmimg 15k of those.

I doubt they’ll ever get rid of being able to have a quest log of completed quests to turn in because I honestly don’t even know how they would get that to work.

If we take past examples into account, only things that are farmable for repeated turn ins would be unuasble i.e BG marks and water pouches.


You know what, you’re right. I’m sorry. That’s what I get for skimming your post.


Someone mentioned the water pouches the other day. Do you happen to have a link?

If you are trying to game the system and level in some way that seems questionable, say by accumulating items in P2 which will rapidly allow you to level in P3, then there is an extremely likely chance that it will get nerfed/removed, this would include anything thats repeatable.

Having a full quest log itself is fine and wont be removed, but this only includes one time events/quests.


if you hate leveling, it’s logical to just take a break from SoD until lvl 60 is available, because you will get a 200% exp boost 1-59 then :expressionless:


OP just wait a week after phase 3 launches and they’ll be giving away free level 50 boosts. And dual spec will be 50% cheaper.

I watched a couple of streamers farm tier 1 waylaid supplies for days to fill their bank, only to find out Blizz slapped them in the face right before launch saying they give no XP. Imagine how they felt LMAO


You don’t need this. If you think you have found some convoluted way to beat the proverbial system, it’s probably going to get nerfed. They aren’t dumb. They look out for things like this. If you thought of it, they probably did too.

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While you can absolutely hoard things to leap forward out the gate as fast as you can with xp to get a leg up on time gated content, I dont think they owe you a road map months in advance for methods of doing so.


Sounds like advance notice to me.


At that point, people had already poured hours into farming stuff. Also, a comment above mentioned a roadmap for exploitation. That’s not what I’m asking for. But things like the sleeping bag food, supply crates, quest log, etc. would be good to know if they won’t give experience. As long as they are legitimate and not some 3D Chess potential exploits.

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Stop licking boots.

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Given that they remove XP from the Dark Riders and disable the biscuits that gives you rested XP, I don’t think anything else needs to be nerfed.

Perhaps they would like to address mages aoe farming like they did on SoM, but idk.

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imagine watching someone play video games…


Holy essay about a non issue.