Reputations Reset From Exalted to Neutral

No I 100% support it, I’ve been farming prismatic pearls for ankoan waveray mount and now I have to sit on it until this is fixed.

The silence on this from Blizzard has been driving me nuts for the past week.

“game breaking” generally applies to an inability to play.

is this a court now? :crazy_face:

they don’t give running updates on every bug.

It’s the kind of bug which creates an inability to play a certain way. For example, the way most people like to play WoW is “without progress being deleted.” :slight_smile:

No, it’s a bug report forum and I so assumed that your goal in here was to help triage the bug report. I appreciate that you based your reply off of the information on the Blizzard support site—a very reasonable thing to do—but that information was incomplete and didn’t address what the OP described, which is part of why this thread exists (along with others like it).

Anyway, it seems Blizzard has now acknowledged the issue by updating the support article, so I feel better knowing that this is at least known to them now.

so we get penalized for it cause blizzard screwed up again thank you for nothing.

it’s just a bug in a video game.

you’ll be ok.

Oh look at this cool guy, so cool

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you’re confusing “cool” with “calm”.

i can see how many fixes are being pushed out, and the rate which it’s happening.

no point stressing ones self into an ulcer.

Cool guy is too cool for the game, yet responding on here :skull_and_crossbones:

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I’m glad you compiled those info. This bug has now happened to me twice, both with BFA rep - Voldunai and now The Honorbound.

In the first time the GM quickly acknowledged my issue and restored my reputation to exalted (it happened at the start of DF patch).

But now, I’ve had got 4 GM responses, 3 giving misleading information and 1 that actually understood the issue. They said the devs were aware of the bug and fixed the original issue, but it wasn’t retroactive. They were working for a solution for impaired characters.

Then they wrote to wait for the devs to fix it, but I don’t know what is there to fix now, they should just restore the reputation of all people that opened tickets (and those who didn’t wait for the “global” fix).

They put a link to the bug report forums (actually the overwatch forums, but okay) for me to submit a bug report, which I did, but without much detail because there wasn’t any - we all just logged in after the pre-patch and it had vanished.

But overall it has been a slog for an apparently simple issue. I know TWW is soon, but I fear if we wait for it, it will be worse.

Another thread on it. Major problem.

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Have seen a little bit more acknowledgement on this from Blizzard, but still no fix as of todays patch.


Coming up on a month after the pre-patch and my Obsidian Warders rep still hasn’t been restored to where it was before the pre-patch. It seems like it is no longer resetting like it was in the weeks following pre-patch but I am not farming back to nearly Exalted again and apparently GMs are incapable of providing actual customer support.

I wonder if this issue will go the way of the Warlord’s Deathwheel mount and 10yrs from now it will get corrected.

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I have a feeling it will just be forgotten and pushed under the rug since not many people are being affected by it to begin with.

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Sadly, I think you are right

If you notice, when something “popular” or “mainstream” like M+ has a gamebreaking bug or glitch… it gets patched ASAP, usually within the same week. And for high-end raiding? Sometimes the patch/hotfix comes out within 48 hours

For the more obscure bugs that don’t affect the normie-to-highend range players much and mostly affect lower-end casuals, they seem to drag their feet or put it on the back-burner

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Still nothing done

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Posting for increased visibility

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