Reputations Lost since 11.0 Patch

The following reputations has been impacted and reduced to Neutral on my character:

Zandalari Empire, Voldunai, Uldum Accord, The Unshackled, Talanji’s Expedition, The Honorbound and Thrallmar.

I’m sure there are others, but I noticed that they will disappear from my reputation tab, only to show up once I click on an NPC for that rep, which in turn becomes Neutral.

I did not perform a Race Change or Faction change, for what it’s worth.

For someone who logs into this game to work on achievements/rep/mounts, I’m afraid to pursue anything with fear of losing the rep. And no, this is not a display issue. All the mobs turn yellow, and cannot purchase anything from the quartermaster.


I’m also seeing this with The Unshackled on this character, and also have not used any character services recently.

Does not appear to be just a display issue, as I’m functionally neutral with the faction now (no vendor discounts, cannot buy from the quartermaster, NPCs are yellow, etc).

There’s another post about this issue here, and there seem to be a few others in the front page of reports this morning. More people may be noticing as the patch goes on.

Imagine trying to farm bfa paragon rep rewards and then this happens… :scream:


I really wish it would stop resetting. Even though it went back to Neutral, if I get rep, and log off, it’s back to Neutral. I don’t know how Blizz plans on fixing (or even giving back) the reputation that is lost. I haven’t seen a blue post about it being worked on. Have you? I feel like I’m losing my mind lol.


I haven’t. I trust they’re at least aware of the issue at this point and treating it separately from the display issues people have been seeing or the issues potentially related to character services.

I suppose they need to stop the bleeding (fix whateever is causing the resets) before they do any account actions and restore rep to wherever it should be. I’d be happy enough for my rep to be restored to exalted, but hopefully they have enough information to restore paragon reputation as well when this is fixed. Unshackled is not a particularly quick faction to earn rep for :frowning:

Update from correspondence with a GM:

Greetings, I hope you’re well!

On behalf of the Game Master team, I will be answering your ticket today. We have had a significant jump in contacts recently, but rest assured we’re doing our best to get answers out as soon as possible.

The developers are getting various reports of issues with the game right now that players need them to investigate. There are a number of known issues at the moment and we have put an article together here on our website: https:// support.blizzard com/article/000358474

Where a workaround is available it will be noted there or on our other problem specific support site articles. Please understand that you must report bugs for them to be corrected, the Customer Support team cannot manually assist or provide updates on the status of bugs beyond what is noted in those articles.

Additionally our forums are also tracking issues here: https:// us.forums.blizzard com/en/wow/t/patch-1100-known-issues-and-information/1899192

Should you ever encounter an issue within World of Warcraft, the best way to get that fixed is to submit bugs directly through the Customer Support interface. Here’s how you do that:

1: Press Esc or click the ? button to open the menu.
2: Click Support.
3: Click Submit feedback or bug report.
4: Enter the details of the bug into the Submit a bug description box, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
5: Click Submit.

Those reports include character and account specific data alongside your description to help with correcting the problem, which is why reporting problems directly from affected characters is so useful as the Customer Support team cannot manually assist with correcting bugs.

The developers will do their best to see that reports are investigated and corrected as soon as possible. Often you’ll find that we update our support site with known issue articles when this is happening, they will include information on a patch version where that is known.

Thanks in advance for any reports and we hope you have a great time gaming!

(I can’t include links in my post so I threw spaces into the URLs in the quoted reply from a GM)

So, customer support seems unable to directly help with this issue at the moment.

I’d encourage everybody in this thread to follow the game master’s steps for submitting a bug report. Because this is not documented in either of the links in their reply, it’s not clear to me that the developers are aware of (or working on) this particular issue. More reports means more details and more accounts/characters they can look up to investigate the issue.

Thanks for that! Already submitted a bug report. I guess now we just wait and pray!

I’ve lost my battle for azeroth rep, was revered and working towards exalted for mounts, etc. I’m now back to neutral with three and friendly with the others.
Tried resettling my UI and deleting curseforge (as wow support suggested) to no avail.
Bug reports sent it.
I was informed by wow support that they cannot adjust our reputations.

I have had the same problem, submitted a ticket and a bug report.

My response from wow support was they were aware of the issue and are working on it. Whatever that means.

I have the same issue! Hopefully there’s a fix for it.

On this character, I have been reset to neutral with Talanji’s Expedition and Voldunai after the release of 11.0

This is not the first time I have had a problem with reputations after a patch or hotfix. When Dragonflight released, I lost all progress on Talanji’s Expedition. And, when the level squash happened at the end of Battle for Azeroth, I lost all progress with the Frostwolf Clan PVP faction.

On my other characters, I have seen reputation being subtracted so that what was a revered status drop to honored, guild reputation reset to neutral repeatedly, and on all my characters Dark Talon reputation reset over and over.

Because I am certain there will be other bugs in this manner cropping up as we progress through the World Soul Saga, I am not looking forward to the inevitable customer service process that will tell me to do the same useless steps and claims that it is just a display error.

Both Unshackled and The Honorbound were reset on my end. When will this be fixed? I was attempting to grind paragon boxes and I’m already at revered again with both. I’ve missed out on multiple boxes. This is unacceptable. How could this big of an issue ever make it to live?


Still broken after 11.0.2.


Confirmed not resolved as of 8/20 maintenance.

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Not resolved as of TWW release… Missing exalted reps that I KNOW I had (because I literally keep the exalted tabards in my bank and have the exalted mounts…) for 4 bfa reps for sure. 7th Legion, Order of Embers, Proudmoore Admiralty, Waveblade Ankoan. Looks like other expansions are untouched. Submitted bug report too… This is very annoying because I was farming paragon caches before this BS.


As of this post, I am still missing Talanji’s Expedition and Voldunai reputations, and now my guild reputation has been reset to neutral.

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Can confirm this hasn’t been fully addressed as the missing reputations have not been restored. Many of these resets are a loss of weeks of daily effort/progress.


I too have lost reputations since pre-patch/pre-expansion. All in BforA - Zalandari, Volduni, Honorbound, and Talanji’s expedition. Was hoping they would come back with the expansion release, but nothing yet. It reset all of them to Neutral, but I have the achievements for getting exalted with them. And now I’ve completed all the story quests - so getting them back will take FOREVER since I can only do Dailies. Is there a place to put in a ticket for this? Do we just wait? Do I start the grind again because I have items I wanted to buy that I can’t without that rep and bags I can’t use!


My reputations in Nazjatar were set to Neutral and have not been reset. Blizzard isn’t going to acknowledge this and just force players to regrind the reps, aren’t they? This is pathetic behavior and will de-incentivize me (40k achieve points on main) to grind any reps anymore.