Reputation with Cataclysm before Dragon?

I’m trying to get Tricks and Treats of Cataclysm. I cannot get more than halfway through neutral for the Dragonmaw Clan, so I cannot get the candy buckets.

Also, I have no idea how to get to Vashj’ir.

You shouldn’t be blocked by rep, but there may be some phasing issues affected by quests.

You need to do the Twilight Highlands intro quests for the main hub to show up properly. I’m not aware of any phasing issues beyond that, but it’s been a long time.

The intro quest for Cataclysm can be picked up from the Warchief’s Command board. (If you’re 59 or lower, set Chromie Time to Cataclsym to prioritize them on the board.)

The BfA intro quests as well as some of the later BfA War Campaign quests can interfere with Orgrimmar phasing. So, if you haven’t done the BfA intro, do it. If you’ve done part of the War Campaign, you may need to finish it to get the phasing set properly.

Similarly, if you’ve started but not completed any Allied Race unlock quests, those can cause phasing issues. Also, the Legion intro if you’ve started it but not finished it.