Reputation Tab LUI Error

When checking reputations under Character > Reputations Tab > Other, getting the following LUI Error on all characters:

Message: Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:194: attempt to concatenate local ‘standingID’ (a nil value)
Time: Fri Dec 15 13:23:37 2023
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:194: attempt to concatenate local ‘standingID’ (a nil value)
[string “@Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua”]:194: in function ReputationFrame_InitReputationRow' [string "@Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua"]:17: in function initializer’
[string “@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua”]:382: in function InvokeInitializer' [string "@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua"]:391: in function InvokeInitializers’
[string “@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua”]:718: in function Update' [string "@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:258: in function SetScrollPercentageInternal’
[string “@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua”]:184: in function FullUpdateInternal' [string "@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:692: in function FullUpdateInternal’
[string “@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua”]:146: in function FullUpdate' [string "@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:663: in function <Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua:662> [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "@Interface/SharedXML/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:178: in function <Interface/SharedXML/CallbackRegistry.lua:177> ... [string "@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua"]:328: in function SignalDataChangeEvent’
[string “@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua”]:308: in function SetDataProvider' [string "@Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBox.lua"]:647: in function SetDataProvider’
[string “@Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua”]:262: in function ReputationFrame_Update' [string "@Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua"]:34: in function <Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:32> [string "=[C]"]: in function Show’
[string “@Interface/FrameXML/CharacterFrame.lua”]:44: in function CharacterFrame_ShowSubFrame' [string "@Interface/FrameXML/CharacterFrame.lua"]:17: in function ToggleCharacter’
[string “@Interface/FrameXML/CharacterFrame.lua”]:55: in function `CharacterFrameTab_OnClick’
[string “@Interface/FrameXML/CharacterFrame.lua”]:325: in function <Interface/FrameXML/CharacterFrame.lua:323>

Locals: factionRow = Button {
0 =
OnLeave = defined @Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:443
index = 15
OnLoad = defined @Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:399
OnEnter = defined @Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:424
ShowFriendshipReputationTooltip = defined @Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:454
GetOrderIndex = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua:110
GetData = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua:96
ShowMajorFactionRenownTooltip = defined @Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:476
ElementDataMatches = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua:105
GetElementData = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua:96
SetOrderIndex = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua:114
OnClick = defined @Interface/FrameXML/ReputationFrame.lua:409
Container = Frame {
elementData =

index = 15
factionIndex = 15
factionContainer = Frame {
0 =
ExpandOrCollapseButton = Button {
Name = FontString {
Background = Texture {
Paragon = Frame {
ReputationBar = StatusBar {
factionBar = StatusBar {
0 =
Highlight2 = Texture {
FactionStanding = FontString {
LeftTexture = Texture {
RightTexture = Texture {
AtWarHighlight1 = Texture {
AtWarHighlight2 = Texture {
BonusIcon = Frame {
Highlight1 = Texture {
factionTitle = FontString {
0 =
factionButton = Button {
0 =
Highlight = Texture {
factionStanding = FontString {
0 =
name = nil
description = nil
standingID = n

I am encountering the same issue.
Have disabled all addons and still getting this error after reload and relog.

I have the same issue. I even tried renaming my AddOns folder to something else, create a new empty AddOns folder and restart WoW but same problem.

I can also trigger the problem by collapsing all the reputation groups until I get to “Other”. Then the error shows and the tab is non-functional after that.