Reputation Standing NEEDS to be Account Wide

I’m currently enjoying this phase and have overall really enjoyed SOD, however, to maximize whatever life SOD has left to the absolute most of its ability, I believe it still needs to be made more ALT friendly to help expand the pool of toons to fill out raids/dungeons/etc and also just overall inject more fun into the game. Return to the “discovery” aspect of being able to try other classes and specs and not feel so griefed in doing so especially on a seasonal realm…

At this point in the time cycle of SOD, it simply cannot be disputed that the biggest quality of life improvement would be to make all reputation standing account bound (would obviously be Horde/Alli faction specific). There are several HEAVY handed rep grinds in P4-P6 that are simply innate to nature of this grindy MMO that WoW Classic still represents at its core. These rep grinds are necessary to unlock the full potential of your character’s kit. One small way to “gate” it a little bit (if you still feel like that’s necessary) would be that you only get the rep on an ALT once you unlock a relationship with a faction through character progression.

Yes, this topic has been discussed before and is not unique but that does not mean it should be written off. Let’s get this implemented.

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With how long it took for retail and even when they confirmed they would do it it took an entire expansion for it, and it still doesn’t cover every rep for them it won’t happen here.