Reputation list bug - War Within

I have this in my list

The War Within -
Council of Dornogal -
Council of Dornogal -

If I click the - for war it shows the above.

If I click the first council, it expands ALL reputation groups. if I click the - again, it collapse them all and then I have a campfire icon with a + Council of Dornogal (clicking the + or the name does nothing)

If I click the second council, it does nothing.

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I just saw this too. Toggling and filtering changes just resulted in increasingly deranged lists of reputations, like factions from completely different expansions listed together.

Happening to me too

Can’t view council of dornogal reputation; which is the one I’m grinding atm.

Same with me, I’m almost through with the first zone and have no idea how much rep I have. Several people in our guild say they do not have this problem, and others say they can’t see it either.

Same with me. The Quartermaster doesn’t register that I have any renown either.

Same with me.

The rep screens on all my characters are completely blank since War Within. Nothing is showing for any faction, past or present. The dropdown arrow does nothing. I disabled my two rep addons, nothing changed.

The coding of the reputation panel has been breaking with amazing regularity since 11.0 went live. The devs seem to have broken something fundamental to reputation tracking while merging Dragonflight reputations into the “new” account-wide form. The table breaking is a nuisance that can typically be remedied by relogging after it breaks, but reputations reset to neutral is a deeper, more pressing issue affecting many players.