Reputation gains while dead

It is entertaining seeing you attempt to tap-dance around it’s exploitative nature. Especially the comparison of literally gaining rep while DEAD to utilizing the auction house economy to make money.

Just because you put words in all caps, doesn’t change the same argument you are trying to use against me is a fallacy. Exploits are subjective.

Are people who are Rank 14 exploiters? The answer is, it’s subjective. Could be a yes, could be a no.

Here, let me try italicized: You see literally gaining rep while dead only being “subjectively” as an exploit.

Maybe perhaps bolded? You see literally gaining rep while dead only being “subjectively” as an exploit.

I am fairly certain that being DEAD in game was not intended to have benefits.

Your argument is dead. GG

LoL, what? :rofl:

^^^ your own quotes for reference

OK, what?

Did I mention how you think gaining reputation while your character is [dead] is not an exploit?



\ ˈded \

Definition of dead

(Entry 1 of 3)

1 : deprived of life : no longer alivea dead treedead soldiersmissing and presumed dead

2a(1) : having the appearance of death : [DEATHLY]in a dead faint

(2) : lacking power to move, feel, or respond : [NUMB]my arm feels dead

b : very tiredOur legs were completely dead after the hike.

c(1) : incapable of being stirred emotionally or intellectually : [UNRESPONSIVE] a heart dead to pityfelt dead inside

(2) : grown cold : [EXTINGUISHED] dead coals

3a : [INANIMATE] [INERT] dead matter

b : [BARREN], [INFERTILE]dead soil

c : no longer producing or functioning : [EXHAUSTED] a dead battery

While you are at it, go ahead and put the definition of exploit in here. Then try to argue your way out of how, like I said, you can point to a thousand different elements in the game that could be considered an exploit.

We are talking about your specific point of view that accumulating reputation while dead is not an exploit.

This thread, starring you as the shopkeeper:

My character is not dead, it is just pining for the fjords!

My specific point of view is it is not an exploit.
Three reasons.
One, it’s a subjective point of view. No one person can define an exploit other than by their opinion of it.
Two, because anybody can do it, during Vanilla, BC, Wrath, and as far as I know Cata, maybe even further. It doesn’t take much to be in a party and die and still receive reputation gains.
Three, because it was coded into the game to function that way, for obliviously many years.

Adding a fourth reason. It is in the spirit of the Vanilla experience.

One could get on a mount and ride from winterspring to the dancing troll village, and continually kill 2 mobs that had 1 HP a piece and gave full L60 XP. You could literally get the last 5 or so levels to L60 in a handful of hours. It was in game for a long time.

By your definition it was not an exploit.

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I’m not the one who brought up definitions. You did.

So is it an exploit or not?

Well, I don’t know much about that issue. First time I’ve heard of it.
I would say that is exploitative.
Do you know when it was patched?

Doesn’t matter. I just outlined what it was.

Why? These are your four reasons why something would not be an exploit:


is irrelevant. It was eventually patched.

Well it is relevant, if they patched it during Vanilla

Also, first reason, subjectivity, it can be hard to make someone think a certain way if it is not definitive.

I mean they added secret ways to speed through Mario, but it’s accepted as a way to play the game.

The time period that something was in game has absolutely zero bearing on whether or not it was an exploit.

It is relevant, if it’s in conflict with the spirit of Vanilla. If they patched it out during Vanilla, then yes it matters.

You win dude. accumulating reputation while your character is literally dead: totally not an exploit.

And again, still, we see this definition of “fun” in WoW to be “getting stuff for free”. Content == Loot, fun == “Loot for free”.

I thought Classic was all about the journey, the walking up hill in the snow both ways, “WoW the old fashioned way – you EARN it”.