Reputation and items share to account

Good day everybody. I just wanted to share a thought and I hope blizzard will start follow the regular players needs. I am just a regular player who has been playing since Cata and I really like this game, even though all my friends are gone offline forever, guilds fell apart and so on. I noticed its really makes no sense to grind rep for each character on account even though I got all exalted rep on my main. Its still frustrating to play on my alts and don’t receive at least something from those reputations I’ve got on my main. Especially in this expansion where you attached to only one covenant and no xmog shared to alts, no rep, no items. I really hope you guys will make some changes to the game so the bank, reputation and xmog from covenants will be shared between all alts on same account. Sorry for my English its my second language.

CS is the wrong forums to offer suggestions this is where ideas go to die unfortunately the dev dont come here for feedback suggestion or complaints best place would be general or the ingame suggestion feature.