Reputation Achievement bug

I’m currently working on the 100 exalted reputations achievement and I am currently sitting at 96/100. I just hit exalted with Frostwolf Orcs and my achievement progress still shows 96/100.

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Could that 96/100 already include Council of Exarchs on the Alliance side? Only one of the two can count.

My only Alliance character is only revered with Council of Exarchs

I am having the same issue. I am also at 96 exalted reps. I was at 96 last night when I started to grind the last 6k needed for exalted with the Frostwolf Orcs. I hit exalted and I am still at 96. I checked both alliance characters and my horde alts that played through Dreanor. None of them are exalted. Other people have said it counted for them, and since its a main faction for the horde, it should count, but it isnt.

Edit: I just spent a ton of gold buying Medallions of the Legion, and hit exalted with the Arakkoa, Laughing Skull and Steamwheedle and all had achievements that popped up, but when I completed Frostwolf Orcs last night by grinding mobs, there was no achievement pop up. Now I am at 99 exalted reps and if the Frostwolf Orcs counted I would be at 100.

Hey, I just found something strange. Check your reputation tab for Dreanor and see if you have the Frostwolf Orc achievement. I just checked and it says I earned it July 31 2024. I wasnt active during that time. I was inactive until 2 days before TWW dropped.
I checked every single character I have and none of them are exalted except my Druid which hit it last night. Before anyone asks, my account has not been compromised. I have had authentication since the keychain came out and its been on my phone since they offered us extra bag space.