Reposting: Can holy paladin play like fistweaver monk in pvp?

Reposting here because nobody had an opinion one way or another on the paladin forums after 3 days.

Seems like it would be a natural thing to bake into the class. Mistweaver feels good in arenas and battlegrounds, though in the latter it gets kited/outranged alot but its still viable. Can holy paladin smack people around while doing aoe healing and actually help, or is it really only viable in ranged spec? Does this change at all with the hero talents in TWW?

I think you’ll need to use a fistweaver monk to make it play like a fistweaver monk. although you could prolly get that holy pally to play a lot like a holy pally.

I kid. I kid. I’m not being nasty.

thats still more than the paladin community could offer. I have no idea if its viable but since it dosent have much in the way of aoe healing (that I know about) i doubt it although my paladin is 2 days old so I still dont know much about it.

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give it aa bit, GC has some knowledgeable people. I’ll sit in here and hang out with you for a bit.

Want to get a pizza?

Have you tried the paladin class discord?

I know it’s mostly PVE stuff but I believe they have a PvP channel in there for each spec.

no, dident know there was a discord. Still cant believe a question like that was ignored though. I thought I would have had strong opinions one way or another.

The problem is that you’re the only one who can tell.

I put a disclaimer.

After the nastiness.

So, Miss Jackson, should I do that first?

also not nasty.